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"Have Windows 9 yet? Nope, they're WNR!"

~ Ryuzaki on BetaWiki

BetaWiki was made in 2012. Known as OnlyBetas before 2015. Additionally, JaGoTu found this wiki. If you to visit BetaWiki, it's here: BetaWiki

They allow WNR if WNR was here: WNR Wiki

Windows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 134 14 151 16 17 81 091 2 09

mac os 9 9 9 9 9c83639 89c89c8

the power macintosh 6680

windows 99 windows 97 windows server 2008 r3

Windows Never Released

  v  t  e
The Wikisphere
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