
From Illogicopedia
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Conservapedia, the encyclopedia you can trus.

"If you were genuinely interested in illogic, then you'd spend some time reading or translating the IllogiBible, the most illogical book of all"

Conservapedia is an awesome wiki with banning people and lasers and banhammers and conceited admins (not unlike our own and stuff and things and conservation and nice things and Jesus and -- OH GOD I'LL JUST BE STRAIGHT WITH IT CONSERVAPEDIA IS TEH BEST WIKI EVAR OMG POLITIC EXTRMEiems!N*@09urh8f923jfm

No.[edit | edit source ]

Here's The Truth: Conservapedia is an encyclopedia a b o u t the famous IRC bot ConServ, which allows the zealotry of both thievery and Jesus alike. There are many opinions on this subject.

An average conserveapedia article

Skittles.[edit | edit source ]

This image is in no way biased towards atheism. It is, however, biased against Schlafly.

They're so very yummy, and they come in many flavors. Conservapedia.. does not come in many flavors...

It doesn't make sense.

Everything must now come in flavors.

Xelaqwertygshhjkl demands it.

The truswothyness of conservbabrnthtjnjfnfhnghgngrjnjnunuhijnjnhbga[edit | edit source ]

0.000000000000000000000(削除) 1 (削除ここまで)0%. That's not saying much, considering thaYEH CONSERVEPEDIA IS TEH BEST COMPERED 2 THOS SHITTY INTERNETS

Science sayz TRANS RIGHTZ[edit | edit source ] OMFG

See also[edit | edit source ]

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The Wikisphere
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