English–Arabic Dictionary

English–Arabic Dictionary

Get the English words and meanings you need to know as a beginning to intermediate learner, with helpful Arabic translations and thousands of carefully chosen example sentences from the Cambridge English Corpus.

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Key features

The Cambridge English–Arabic Dictionary is based on original research on the unique Cambridge English Corpus, and includes all the words at CEFR levels A1–B2 in the English Vocabulary Profile.

More than 18,000 clear definitions in English with Arabic translations
Hear the words spoken in British English
More than 14,000 real examples show how words are used
Ideal for newer learners of English (CEFR levels A1–B2)
Based on the Cambridge English Corpus — a database of over 2 billion words


Chief Editor
Colin McIntosh

Fahed Al Hussaini
Helen Fraser Eldakrouri
Ferida Jawad
Taj Kandoura
Adel Abdel Moneim
Daniel Rolph

Word of the Day



a feeling of spinning around and being unable to balance, often caused by looking down from a height

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