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Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img14 Chapman zebra.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cayambe 12:19, 29 December 2015 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 1 January 2016 (UTC)

Happy New Year!

Classical, but still... thank you for your work on Commons! Yann (talk) 13:36, 1 January 2016 (UTC)

The traditional greeting

Dear friend
Happy New Year and best wishes!! Christian Ferrer (talk) 22:09, 1 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img12 Jürgensby panorama.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 22:54, 30 December 2015 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Marzahn Gaerten der Welt 08-2015 img12 Red Admiral.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 22:56, 30 December 2015 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img12.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --PIERRE ANDRE LECLERCQ 22:48, 30 December 2015 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:26, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

QI Tunisia training

As part of the project Quality images training in Tunisia, the Wikimedia TN user group is looking for a Wikimedia commons User able to organize a training about Quality images, featured pictures, Valued images and Graphic Lab/Photography in Tunisia from February 18th to 22th, 2016. To participate please fill this form--Touzrimounir (talk) 19:56, 3 January 2016 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture !

The image File:Соловецкий монастырь.jpg , that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Соловецкий монастырь.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 3 January 2016 (UTC)

New Year trees vs. Christmas trees

Послушайте, остановитесь. Вы наверно являетесь поклонником рождественских ёлок. Но в России специально для них ёлки не ставятся.

Остановитесь, мне уже надоело свои правки восстанавливать по кругу. Давайте обсудим. --Brateevsky {talk} 09:29, 4 January 2016 (UTC)

  • Так вы что, уклоняетесь от беседы? Тогда помогите лучше мне, удалите эти категории Category:Christmas trees in Russia и другие. Они созданы по ошибке, и не важно, что эта ошибка выявилась только сейчас. Средства вики позволяют сделать это. --Brateevsky {talk} 09:34, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
(edit conflict) Что значит остановитесь? Я сделал только две правки, и дальше не собираюсь. Какой ещё поклонник? Что это вообще за хамство такое? Вас не иначе как подменили, товарищ Братеевский? ;) --A.Savin 09:37, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
И вообще, посмотрите при случае в категорию Christmas trees in Russia. Будете удивлены, но увидите, что там тоже ни что иное как новогодние ёлки. Какая, по большому счёту, разница? Новый год в России - это традиция, аналогичная Рождеству в католическом мире, и связана с православным Рождеством, когда-то отмечавшимся 25 декабря. --A.Savin 09:37, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
Две правки? Вообще-то вы удалили целую категорию, уничтожив часть моих трудов. Часть. Мне не хотелось бы терять остальное, поэтому я и написал на вашей СО в таком ключе. --Brateevsky {talk} 09:45, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
«Будете удивлены, но увидите, что там тоже ни что иное как новогодние ёлки. Какая, по большому счёту, разница?» — разница есть. В России, Белоруссии, Турции ёлки новогодние, а во всём мире рождественские. В России, Белоруссии и Турции ёлки устанавливаются к Новому году, а то что они стоят и 7 января — это просто властям лень их после 1 числа убирать. Это не повод новогодние ёлки категоризовать как Christmas trees in Russia на Викискладе (вот что я хочу донести)! Вообще говоря, такой категории просто не должно быть, её надо удалить, и вы, как администратор, можете мне в этом помочь. Поэтому я создаю категории «New Year trees ...». Викисклад позволяет сделать такую систему категорий, заодно и запад узнает, что в России всё по-другому. --Brateevsky {talk} 09:45, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
«Вас не иначе как подменили, товарищ Братеевский? ;)» — а я далеко не ангел. Вы наверно плохо меня знаете. :) --Brateevsky {talk} 09:45, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
Я ничего не уничтожал, даже удалённый материал при необходимости можно восстановить... Я просто хочу, чтобы на Викискладе не было бардака с категориями России. Называйте вашу категорию хоть Putin's trees, но тогда будьте так добры перенесите туда действительно все фотки ёлочек... --A.Savin 09:52, 4 January 2016 (UTC)
Я перенесу, я тоже люблю порядок: и дома, и в компьютере, и на Викискладе. Но я не могу одномоментно перенести за полминуты все фотографии. Вот увидите, что после меня станет лучше. :) --Brateevsky {talk} 09:55, 4 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Abel Aganbegyan Jan2015 RT Moscow.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:36, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Feb2015 Canon EOS 7D Mark II img2 - with Canon50.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:36, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Spb Metro token front and rear macro.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:40, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! View Berlin TV Tower Jan2015 img4.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ralf Roletschek 20:36, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Altes Finanzamt B-Steglitz 04-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:41, 2 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! PESA tram at Shchukinskaya 06-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments {{{3}}}

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 5 January 2016 (UTC)


Hallo und frohes neues Jahr erstmal. Mit Verweis auf unseren letzten Austausch [1] möchte ich den Hinweis geben, dass Messina in der deutschen WP nun von einem Admin unbeschränkt gesperrt wurde. Bei dieser Sperre wird es wohl bleiben (auch aufgrund der darauf erfolgten Sperrumgehungen). Es gab doch mal irgendwo das Verfahren Messina global sperren zu lassen, was aber aus Rücksicht auf die deutsche WP dann ausgesetzt wurde. Wo war das denn nochmal? MfG Seader (talk) 19:17, 5 January 2016 (UTC)

Nachtrag:Ich habe den alten Antrag gefunden und die Information auf der Diskussion hinterlassen [2]. MfG Seader (talk) 20:06, 5 January 2016 (UTC)

Weiterer Nachtrag FYI: Global Ban request for Messina. MfG Seader (talk) 13:35, 10 January 2016 (UTC)

miste nate


Du hast Editierverbot auf meiner Seite

und das seit viele Jahren. Kapiert!! Falls etwas unklar ist, das gilt für den Rest deiner Zeit. --Hubertl 15:53, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Hubertl, deine Machtbesessenheit wird immer amüsanter. Jetzt hast du nicht den ursprünglichen Beitrag wiederhergestellt, sondern in "abgemilderter" Form, was an sich OK ist. Sag mal: Denkst du wirklich, dass ich mich von dir mit deinen elenden Machtspielchen unterkriegen lasse? Seit ich in der Deutschen Wiki unterwegs war, hat sich in der Tat einiges geändert und ich habe unter anderem eine Menge dazu gelernt wie man mit solchen Idioten wie dir umgeht! Und wenn man bedenkt, dass du ja mich nicht blind revertiert hast, dann ist zu vermuten, dass du dir zumindest eines bewusst bist: Beleidigungen und Belästigungen ähnlich wie in der deutschen Wiki werden hier nicht geduldet! Übrigens suggeriert ja deine Aussage "...für den Rest deiner Zeit", dass du insgeheim hoffst, dass ich von hier womöglich nur im Sarge getragen werde. Also, wenn man deine permanente negative Einstellung und den blinden Hass auf sämtliche Andersdenkenden in Betracht zieht, dann ist es noch die große Frage, wer als Erstes seinen goldenen Löffel an die Wikimedia Deutschland abgeben wird, damit diese eben schnell noch ein Objektiv anschafft ;-) Mfg --A.Savin 16:43, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Siehe hier --Hubertl 16:55, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Anstatt sofort zur Mama zu rennen und mich fürs geklaute Schäufelchen zu verpetzen, Hubertl, hättest du doch vernünftigerweise erläutern können, wieso du deine Unterstellungen für angemessen hältst! Du hast offensichtlich fotografische Fähigkeiten und es ist schade, dass du sie nicht auf eine weise Art und Weise (sorry für doppeltgemoppelt) zu nutzen gedenkst. Oder glaubst du, dadurch Sozialkapital zu schlagen, das dir Immunität bringen würde? Tut mir leid, aber auf Commons gibt es keine "Premiumautoren"! Insofern denke ich, dass dein "Schreibverbot", auf dem du so konsequent beharrst, nutzlos und eigentlich nur ein Produkt deiner Fantasie ist... --A.Savin 18:07, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Notification about possible deletion

Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry .

If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

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Yours sincerely, .     Jim . . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 11:30, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Yevgeny Satanovsky in Moscow Feb2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Шухрат Саъдиев 12:09, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 9 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Moscow Cathedral Mosque 01-2016.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:56, 10 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 13 January 2016 (UTC)

Moscow building

Thank you so much for getting that building! It's the head office of the en:Interstate Aviation Committee and can be seen on its homepage. It's very important since this agency investigates plane crashes in the former Soviet Union. Would it be okay if you note that in Russian on the file description page? (I did so in English already) WhisperToMe (talk) 15:43, 20 January 2016 (UTC)

WhisperToMe,  Done, thanks --A.Savin 15:50, 20 January 2016 (UTC)
Thank you :) WhisperToMe (talk) 02:42, 21 January 2016 (UTC)

Просьба на создание фотографий

Вижу что вы хорошо фотографируете.
И в связи с этим у меня есть просьба сфотографировать в Москве несколько объектов. Звучит это несколько удивительно, но факт остаётся фактом. В огромном мегаполисе не нашлось ни одного фотографа кто бы сфотографировал и загрузил на Викисклад снимки нижеприведённых мест:

  1. из украинкой вики стало известно что в Москве, в Политехническом музее есть модель СЭС-5. Сфотографируйте её пожалуйста. Кроме того в музее возможно есть экспонаты Советских ЭВМ. Было бы интересно их увидеть;
  2. ЦБ РФ (единственная картинка центрального входа в Банк размерами 800 ×ばつ 860);
  3. Ампирный фонтан в центре Театральной площади, желательно с разных сторон. Сейчас есть только один снимок File:Old Fountain Moscow Russia.jpg;
  4. Высотное административное здание «НИИ Дельта»;
  5. Офис Космотрас в Москве. Категория на улицы где расположен офис на Викискладе;
  6. Ломоносов (суперкомпьютер) разумеется речь идёт о наружной системе охлаждения. Что бы было хоть что-то для иллюстрации статьи;
  7. Магазин Apple Store в Москве (31 июля 2015 открылся в ЦУМе). Сейчас есть только один снимок File:First Apple Center shop in Russia.JPG и тот, как я понял, закрытого магазина;
  8. Офис Astra Linux в Москве. Варшавское шоссе, дом 36;

Ну и ещё немного статей где не хватает картинок:

  1. ЛЗОС;
  2. Тушинский машиностроительный завод;
  3. Тинькофф банк - сейчас есть только фото офиса изнутри, а снаружи нет;
  4. Завод Ангстрем.

Разумеется я не настаиваю. Но если вы будете где-то в тех местах, то сфотографируйте их.
Вот такая просьба, заранее большое спасибо. С уважением Донор () 21 января 2016

я этот ваш список возьму на заметку, когда буду в Москве в сл. раз (правда, не совсем представляю, как сфотографировать суперкомпьютер).
Возможно, другие коллеги из Москвы тоже пожелают внести свой вклад и даже смогут сделать это более оперативно, чем я: @Brateevsky: @Retired electrician: @Dmitry Ivanov: @Ludvig14: @Max Ryazanov: --A.Savin 01:05, 22 January 2016 (UTC)
  • Спасибо. Хорошо что вы упомянули других участников, они получат оповещения и прочитают заявку на фотографии. Честно говоря не знаю почему, но я был почему то уверен что вы из Москвы. Ну да ладно. А по поводу суперкомпьютера, я точно помню что смотрел какое то видео, в котором были показыны большие охлаждающие установки на улице. Если мне не изменяет память, им же необходимо куда то отводить 3 МВт тепла! Поэтому радиаторы на улице представляют собой внушительную конструкцию. Донор () 22 января 2016

Что бы не создавать новую тему добавлю маленький вопрос по поводу ценных изображений. Вы луше меня разбираетесь в фотографии, поэтому скажите пожалуйста стоит ли номинировать три нижеприведённых снимка как Ценные изображения?
File:Панорама затопленной площади Суворова.jpg
File:Панорама затопленной площади Суворова (от памятника Суворову).jpg
File:Панорама затопленной площади Суворова (от кафе Прохлада).jpg
Я понимаю что по качеству они могут и не пройти, но их ценность в редкости. Дело в том что такое сильное наводнение у нас бывает крайне редко. До 2008 года подобное наводнение было в 60-х или в 70-х гг. Вот такой вопрос. Донор () 22 января 2016

Вы имеете в виду COM:VIC? Несколько лет назад, когда выяснилось, что качество фотографии для них не играет никакой роли, а scope можно придумать почти какой угодно, – я потерял к тому проекту всякий интерес и с тех пор не заглядываю туда. К сожалению, ничего не могу посоветовать. А из Москвы я действительно, просто очень часто в отъезде.--A.Savin 15:34, 22 January 2016 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture !

The image File:Courtyards of SPB 03.jpg , that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Courtyards of SPB 03.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 23 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sadovnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow - view from Ozerkovskaya Embankment 01.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 13:48, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! KosyginaStreet Moscow view to Khamovniki 06-2015 img2.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:21, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nagatino-Sadovniki tram on NagatinskayaStreet img1 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 13:48, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nagatino-Sadovniki tram on NagatinskayaStreet img3 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Berthold Werner 14:38, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img04.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 17:27, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 29 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Quarzwerk Frechen Tagebau 09-2015 Aussicht.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 17:33, 27 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img10.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:14, 27 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM the atrium after renewal 2015 img2.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 19:36, 27 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Valentina Tereshkova in Moscow 06-2015 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 17:33, 27 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nagatinsky Zaton NovinkiStreet with bus 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:14, 27 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:22, 30 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img14 Hector Berlioz Park Grey heron.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 14:34, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Finsterwalde May2015 img4 Wasserturm.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 15:55, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Finsterwalde May2015 img6 Bahnhof.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 00:00, 29 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 31 January 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Krasnogorsk near Myakinino - footbridge over Moskva 06-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 18:34, 31 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM exterior after renewal 2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality.--PIERRE ANDRE LECLERCQ 18:07, 31 January 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nagatino-Sadovniki tram on NagatinskayaStreet img2 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality.--Famberhorst 17:26, 31 January 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Просьба на создание фото + помощь в дополнении шаблона

1) я создал категорию Users in Transnistria, потом содал шаблон User Transnistria.
Но только я не пойму как написать текст Участник из Приднестровья что бы он автоматичеки, для англоязычных пользователей, выглядел так: This user comes from Transnistria. Ну или что-то типа того. Надеюсь вы понимаете. Т.е. если я сейчас просто напишу Участник из Приднестровья, то оно так и будет отображаться для всех языковых груп. А мне бы хотелось сделать более продуманное решение. Или может быть сделаете побразцу Users in Russia - два шаблона? А то я запутался, немного.

2) Раньше я уже просил кое что сфотографировать в Москве. И вот сейчас вижу что нет на Викискладе фотографии огромного радиотелескопа из Центра космической связи «Медвежьи озёра». А ведь там радиотелескоп диаметром 64 метра. Анаголичная модель установлена в Калязинской радиоастрономической обсерватории. Между прочим, когда я смотрел картинки Калязинской радиоастрономической обсерватории то мне на глаза попался вот этот снимок.

Если у вас получится сделать качественную аналогичную фотографию, то это будет просто бомба! Ведь где ещё можно в один кадр поймать и радиотелескоп, и колокольню, да ещё и затопленную. Совершенно сюрреалистичный пейзаж!

А также можно дополнить фотографиями:

  1. ФГУП «Космическая связь». Между прочим классный снимок File:RSCC.jpg, хоть и 1200 пикселей;
  2. офис Rosa Linux в Москове;
  3. ресторан Dolkabar Сергея Доли в Москове;
  4. наверняка в Москве постоянно проводятся интересные выставки, возмём для примера Ганноверскую CeBIT, поэтому можно было бы посетить аналогичное мероприятие и сделать массу интереснейших снимков.

3) Churches in Moscow Eparchy - огромная категория! Может быть стоит сгруппировать цекрви по городам? Т.е. будет вместо 234 категорий скажем 50 категорий городов в который есть церкви. Например: Orthodox churches in Dubna, а уже в этой категории подкатегории (Церковь Всех Святых в Земле Русской Просиявших и т.д.).

Вот такая просьба, заранее большое спасибо. С уважением Донор () 3 февраля 2016

1) Кажется, для этого есть шаблон {{LangSwitch}}. Но я лично его сам никогда не использовал. Если будут с ним трудности - спросите лучше в форуме.
2) Спасибо, взял на заметку.
3) Кажется, Stolbovsky как раз этим занимается, но следует иметь в виду, что православные храмы - не обязательно храмы Московского патриархата. Если есть сомнения в наименовании категорий, то лучше оставить всё как есть, а не создавать лишний геморрой. Тем более делать и без того есть что.
--A.Savin 14:13, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM the atrium after renewal 2015 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:45, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img05.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:45, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Vnukovo 05-15 VQ-BTS of PobedaAirlines.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:45, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Tverskaya13 Moscow 06-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:18, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sadovnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow - view from Ozerkovskaya Embankment 02.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:45, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! MosMetro Cherkizovskaya platform 01-2016.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:27, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img02.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Little bit tilted to the right. --Halavar 18:42, 31 January 2016 (UTC)
Good quality. --F. Riedelio 11:23, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! KosyginaStreet Moscow view to Khamovniki 06-2015 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 19:43, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img01 Gumrak Airport.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:18, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img23 Gumrak Airport.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments beautiful nice sharp photo, good persepctive and depth aQ1photo --Michielverbeek 15:18, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img04 MamaevKurgan train stop.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 21:26, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img02 Katholische Marienkirche.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:34, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img13 jellyfish in bay water.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality--Lmbuga 16:25, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img05 View from Schlosswall.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality--Lmbuga 16:23, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img10 View from Schlosswall.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 16:01, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Flensburg 2015-08 img11 View from Schlosswall.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Milseburg 18:59, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img07 View from Mamaev Hill.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 14:29, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img18 Central station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 14:29, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! MosMetro Aeroport platform 01-2016.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments {{{3}}}

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture !

The image File:Salagou Lake, Liausson 15.jpg , that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Salagou Lake, Liausson 15.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 05:03, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img06.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cccefalon 13:18, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nagatinsky Zaton SudostroitelnayaStreet with tram 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cccefalon 13:20, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Petrovsky Passage exterior from Petrovka 06-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cccefalon 13:21, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Sadovnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow - view from Ozerkovskaya Embankment 03.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:34, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img02 Gumrak Airport.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:24, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img11 Profsoyuznaya metrotram station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. Some parts of the image are a little dark, but I think overall it is worthy of QI status. --Michael Barera 19:35, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Marushkino in New Moscow - aerial view 05-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --F. Riedelio 16:11, 6 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img19 Central station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --F. Riedelio 07:59, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

Removal of uploader credit

Hello, you are being contacted as a user who has previously [or currently] included "* Uploaded by Example" in your file uploads. A bot task has been approved to remove this specific phrase from files because it can be misleading when attempting to attribute the file creator. As an alternative, RileyBot is willing to tag your uploads with a user category instead. Please respond stating if you opt-in and if you have any specific requests (addition of user category, etc); if there is no response within two weeks, consent will be implied. Please note, this message has been left by an automated bot, however, a user will be tracking your response. RileyBot (talk) 01:17, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Which uploads are concerned and what exactly is wrong with them? @Riley Huntley: ? --A.Savin 01:36, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
I think those uploads are those with "Uploaded by A.Savin" in the source. Also, if we include "Uploaded by Example", then there would be misattribution issues. For example, you uploaded a file from Flickr, and the source has "Uploaded by A.Savin". Then the "real" author of the Flickr file is for example, Mark Gomez. And a website wants to use the photo. The website, attributed you (A.Savin) instead of Mark Gomez. Then there is a misattribution. You can opt-out if you want, but please consider this. Poké 95 01:46, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
@Pokéfan95: Thanks for explanation. You (or the bot) can remove the "uploaded by..." remark, it is perfectly fine with me, but please do not create a category "Uploaded by A.Savin" or anything like that. --A.Savin 02:08, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
Beautiful explanation, Pokéfan, you beat me too it! Cheers, A.Savin, will do as instructed. :) Riley Huntley (talk) 05:46, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img18 Oelberggruppe.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality.--Agnes Monkelbaan 18:37, 11 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img13 Hector Berlioz Park.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Nice!--Famberhorst 18:31, 11 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img50 Dostoevsky statue.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 00:10, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img20 Leopoldsplatz Haus Victoria.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 00:10, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Lubyanka CDM view from Panoramic view point 05-2015 img07.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good photo, a natural sky, a lot of beautiful buildings which give a good impression of this part of the city --Michielverbeek 23:28, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! AviaPark Moscow 01-2016 img3.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:40, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Moscow Planetarium 01-2016.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:34, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Schepkina Street Moscow 01-2016.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:40, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Извините, обращаюсь к Вам. Мне кажется, что файл размещён некорректно. Откуда сведения, что автор умер более 70 лет назад, если он неизвестен? Вполне допускаю, что он умер позже и 70-летний срок не прошёл.--Semenov.m7 (talk) 13:40, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Ну, вы уже спросили загрузившего. Не ответит - удалим. --A.Savin 14:21, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Deine Beiträge

zeigen einen erschreckenden Mangel an Kenntnis der Regularien - vielleicht solltest du dich auch daran halten, ich habe darauf hingewiesen. Es ist ja nicht das erste Mal, dass du unangenehm auffällst. Extrawurscht gibts für dich keine. Wenn nach 48 Stunden keine Entscheidung getroffen wurde (Diskussion), wird Consensual Review geschlossen. Aber du kannst ja gerne etwas sinnvolles tun und den gesamten Bereich des CR selbst beackern. Aber bitte erst dann, wenn du die Regeln verinnerlicht hast. Und wenn, dann nicht nur wenn du Lust hast sondern wirklich jeden Tag. --Hubertl 14:36, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Здравствуйте, коллега. Не посоветуете, как реагировать на такой вклад? Sealle (talk) 14:46, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Здравствуйте. Насколько я понял, никак. Отслеживанием виртуалов Руссавиа занимается фонд, нам на это тратить время не имеет смысла. --A.Savin 14:52, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! GrossSchönebeck 07-2015 img1 Jagdschloss.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 15:17, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! HeiligKreuzKirche B-Kreuzberg 07-2015.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 14:32, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Westhafen Berlin Aussicht von Beusselstr 04-2015 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 15:17, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Buckow Maerkische Schweiz 08-2015 img5.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 14:32, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Niederlausitz Bf Calau 07-2015 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 15:17, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img02 View from Merkur.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Laitche 14:04, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img07 View from Merkur.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Cayambe 15:08, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img15 view to Merkur.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 13:58, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img24 Stiftskirche.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Nice --Poco a poco 15:01, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img17 Roman well.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 15:01, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! May2015 Volgograd img06 View from Mamaev Hill.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments {{{3}}}

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 17 February 2016 (UTC)


File:1449593818 skriptonit-rhyme-2015-intervyu.jpg

Файл не является собственной работой автора, это скриншот из Ютьюба. --Esetok (talk) 18:50, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! AviaPark Moscow 01-2016 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Weak  Support Good quality. DoF could be better. --XRay 11:54, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! AviaPark Moscow 01-2016 img2.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 13:12, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! English Court in Varvarka Street 01-2016 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Florstein 12:06, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! English Court in Varvarka Street 01-2016 img3.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Florstein 12:06, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:10, 22 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nikon D7200 01-2016 img1 body front.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 14:46, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nikon D7200 01-2016 img2 body front.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 14:46, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nikon D7200 01-2016 img3 body rear.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 14:54, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Nikon D7200 01-2016 img4 with Nikon 18-105.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Basotxerri 21:28, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 23 February 2016 (UTC)


hEREBY i WILL INFORM YOU; THAT THE jOURNAL dURLACHER wOCHENJOURNAL will bring a text for the event in the evangelischen Stadtkirche Durlach. Also we will bring a foto from you.

kind regards Siegfried König

Frage zu Bildqualität

Hallo Alexander,

ich habe eine Frage zur Bildqualität dieses Fotos:


Du sagst hier, dass die BQ nicht ausreichend ist, weil es eine "clipped cloud" gibt. Ich verstehe hier nicht ganz, was Du damit meinst. Klar, da ist eine Wolke. Und oft wird irgendeine Wolke mal abgeschnitten, aber in diesem Fall ist mir das nicht ganz klar.

Wohlgemerkt: Ich frage nicht, weil ich wegen der BQ herumdiskutieren will, sondern weil ich dazulernen möchte. Es wäre nett, wenn Du mir antworten würdest.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

--Basotxerri (talk) 17:16, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

Hallo @Basotxerri: Sorry, habe mich wohl unverständlich ausgedrückt. Ich meinte, dass die Wolke überbelichtet bzw. ausgefressen ist. Bei einem QI sollten generell keine über- oder unterbelichteten Bereiche auftreten. MfG --A.Savin 17:40, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
OK, jetzt ist das klar. Beim Hochladen habe ich mich gar nicht auf den Hintergrund konzentriert. Ich habe mir das gerade noch einmal in Lightroom angesehen, die Highlights sind tatsächlich irreparabel ausgefressen. Ich versuche, beim nächsten Mal besser darauf zu achten. Danke für die Antwort! --Basotxerri (talk) 18:26, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img25 Stourdza Chapel.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --C messier 19:47, 22 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img21 Spitalkirche.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:32, 22 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img41 Pump house.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 18:56, 22 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:17, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img02 Markhor.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 18:36, 23 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img09 Indian rhinoceros.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:47, 23 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img12 African elephant.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:14, 23 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img18 Indian lion.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 15:40, 23 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Berlin Tierpark Friedrichsfelde 12-2015 img26 Indochinese tiger.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:47, 23 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img47 Ebersteinburg.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --C messier 20:53, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:16, 27 February 2016 (UTC)

diff. Зачем? Станция уникальная, она фактически находится внутри района. Я ещё могу понять добавление категории Brateyevsky Passage (южный выход выходит к проезду), но добавление других двух категорий спорно. Если мы добавляем другие две категории, мы декларируем, что метро находится на этих улицах, а это в реальности совершенно не так. Улицы, указанные на указателях для северного вестибюля, просто сделаны для ориентирования, чтобы народ понимал, примерно куда он выходит (в случае северного вестибюля). Пока отменил эту правку. --Brateevsky {talk} 17:21, 28 February 2016 (UTC)


Здравствуйте! Хотел бы попросить вас как русскоязычного администратора оценить оправданность существования на моей СОУ сего предупреждения ещё полугодовой давности и по возможности снять его/подвести итог. Это при том, что в итоге в описании этого файла, о котором, собственно, и шла речь, после обращения к админам и обсуждения на СОУ участника сохранилась именно внесённая мной и названная в предупреждении «вандализмом» правка. С уважением, Chaotic Good (talk) 18:41, 28 February 2016 (UTC)

Не понимаю, в чём проблема. Это фотка явно только для страницы участника создана, никакого противозаконного контента там нет. Мы будем из-за единственной буквы на некачественной фотографии незначимой персоны базар устраивать? Надо только переместить ее в Category:User page images, что я и сделаю --A.Savin 20:36, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
Базар устроила сама незначимая персона. А проблема в том, что меня не устраивает висящее на моей странице хамское неправомерное «предупреждение», удалить которое я не имею права. Chaotic Good (talk) 20:56, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
Имеете-имеете, здесь не русская википедия. --A.Savin 21:00, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
Ну тогда благодарю за консультацию. Всего хорошего! Chaotic Good (talk) 21:02, 28 February 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Moscow Cathedral Mosque interior 01-2016 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 17:21, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Moscow Cathedral Mosque interior 01-2016 img5.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:13, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Moscow Cathedral Mosque interior 01-2016 img7.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 15:44, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

hello! we are working on a paper edition of WLM 2015 photo album (a kind of anyway). and we want to use this photo of yours: File:Bakhchysarai 04-14 img09 Palace Divan Hall.jpg. we are going to mention you as the author of the picture in a caption under the picture and on the last page with the link to the photo on Wikimedia Commons, like this:

https://commons.wikimedia.org/?curid=32407106 © A.Savin, CC-BY-SA-3.0

is it okay with you? --アンタナナ 17:10, 2 March 2016 (UTC)

@Antanana: Yes, of course. All my photos are CC-BY-SA and available to use with attribution. --A.Savin 01:03, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
oh, I am well aware of that :) but there is a desired procedure described here: User:A.Savin/Photo :) and you ask to credit you like this:
place the notice «© A.Savin, Wikimedia Commons» either below the photo, or the way it is visible after clicking on the photo
we wanted to make sure that you are okay with our way of doing it:) and we wanted to inform you that we plan to use your photo in a printed medium :) --アンタナナ 09:04, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
@Antanana: OK, fine with me. --A.Savin 11:26, 3 March 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img32 Bernharduskirche.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. --XRay 16:09, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img37 Pump house.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality. May be a little bit oversaturated. --XRay 16:09, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img39 Museum Frieder Burda.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:22, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img48 Ebersteinburg.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 17:28, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Baden-Baden 10-2015 img49 Ebersteinburg.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 17:21, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:16, 3 March 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! StClement Church Moscow 01-2016 img3.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:13, 1 March 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! StClement Church Moscow 01-2016 img4.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --DXR 16:12, 1 March 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 4 March 2016 (UTC)

Восстановление файлов

Здравствуйте. У меня просьба. Восстановите, пожалуйста, два этих файла вместе с описанием. Можно не здесь, а просто выслать на почту. Я хочу использовать их в Рувики как файр.

File:Bruce Dickinson - Live in Sao Pablo 1997.jpg File:Bruce Dickinson 1974.JPG

Спасибо. --Алый Король (talk) 11:43, 7 March 2016 (UTC)

Хорошо, на какой адрес высылать? --A.Savin 11:53, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
pamyat@list.ru и описание, если есть. --Алый Король (talk) 12:08, 7 March 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! StClement Church Moscow 01-2016 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments {{{3}}}

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 11 March 2016 (UTC)

Здравствуйте! Все фотографии, загруженные этим участником, стырены из интернета. --Esetok (talk) 17:45, 20 March 2016 (UTC)

Breaking the comment

Whoops! My bad. Thanks for fixing. Natuur12 (talk) 19:24, 3 April 2016 (UTC)

Hallo Alexander,

könnte bitte jemand, falls es rechtlich möglich ist, ru:Файл:А.ВРозен.jpg auf Commons hochladen. Ich möchte das Bild bitte in de:Anna Wassiljewna von Rosen einbauen. Gruß --Hedwig Storch (talk) 14:55, 6 April 2016 (UTC)

Erledigt siehe File:А.ВРозен.jpg --A.Savin 19:02, 6 April 2016 (UTC)
Hallo Alexander, vielen Dank; ich freue mich über die gute Kooperation. Fall erledigt. Gruß --Hedwig Storch (talk) 07:24, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Noch einmal: Hallo Alexander!

Na sowas! Gerade bin ich auf die gleiche Idee gekommen, da Du der Einzige bist, den ich aus der de:WP kenne mit muttersprachlichem Sprachniveau des Russischen und Du mir als Fotograf in Erinnerung bist. Daher möchte ich Dich auch um eine Übertragung eines Fotos aus der russischen WP nach Commons bitten; sofern das möglich ist. Es geht um einen ehemaligen sowjetischen Botschafter in der BRD; Juli Alexandrowitsch Kwizinski und um dieses Foto. Es ist bisher nur im russischen Artikel; der deutschsprachige und der polnische sind ohne Bild. Besten Dank im Voraus & Gruß --Sir James (talk) 19:57, 9 April 2016 (UTC)

Das ist ein unfreies Foto aus ca. 1980er-Jahre, leider ist keine Übertragung nach Commons möglich. MfG --A.Savin 23:16, 9 April 2016 (UTC)
Sehr schade. Danke & Gruß --Sir James (talk) 06:03, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 12 Haji Ali Dargah.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 11:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 01 Vile Parle station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 11:56, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 04 Santacruz station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:45, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 23 Hanging Garden.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 16:45, 7 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Троллинг после вандализма

Уважаемый Александр! Участник русской Википедии Мартин Мягер был заблокирован на сутки за шестикратное размещение в статье о Солженицыне фотографии бабуина. Разумеется, иллюстрацию поставили на удаление. Но участник, видимо, успокаиваться не собирается и на странице удаления занялся откровенным троллингом. Мне кажется, это надо прекратить как можно быстрее. С уважением, Alexey Tourbaevsky, — cheloVechek / talk 18:12, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 34 Prince of Wales Museum dome.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:41, 8 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 05 Santacruz station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:41, 8 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 09 skyline of Lotus Colony.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:41, 8 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 27 skyline at Marine Drive.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 09:41, 8 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Why I reverted your "add categories"

Have left you a reply on User talk:SAplants. --SAplants (talk) 08:06, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 49 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 12:58, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 56 Sewri station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 12:58, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 06 Khar Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 12:58, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 08 MCentral Regional Transport Office.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 12:58, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 40 Bombay High Court.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Above what tight cut. But good for me.--Famberhorst 15:56, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 22 Hanging Garden.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 17:33, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 30 Gateway of India.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support the blue color is a bit oversatured, but acceptable --Christian Ferrer 16:58, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 61 Masjid station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality --Halavar 16:44, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 54 Kings Circle station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality --Llez 18:07, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

Your opinion ?

Hi, do you think that this picture meets criteria for QI ? Since I've proposed 3 pictures whose eligibility is actually debated, I'm a little hesitant ^^. If no, what do I need to correct? Thanks Archi38 (talk) 11:23, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

@Archi38: No, it doesn't. Too unsharp, noise, and blown white at highlighted areas. A reprocess of the RAW file (if available) might significantly improve the picture, but still unlikely so far that it would then become enough for QI. --A.Savin 11:30, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 55 Vadala Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 02:27, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 68 Victoria Terminus.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 02:27, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 52 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 00:11, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 47 Mahim Junction.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 00:11, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 07 MCentralLocal station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:23, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 45 sunset at Marine Drive.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:23, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 19 Antilia Tower.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments ok now, --Hubertl 00:08, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 15 Haji Ali Dargah.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:20, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 17 April 2016 (UTC)


Siehe hier


sind in der russischen Sprachversion keine aktuellen Bilder dieser Band gewünscht? Da ich kein Wort russisch kann, kannst du vielleicht vermitteln ... --Atamari (talk) 16:59, 17 April 2016 (UTC)

@Atamari: Ich denke auch, für so einen kleinen Artikel ist es ausreichend, ein Foto in der Box zu haben. Kannst du mir sagen, welches der aktuellen Fotos du für geeignet hältst? Ich ersetze es gerne im Artikel, ggf. mit einer Beschreibung auf Russisch. Mfg --A.Savin 03:27, 18 April 2016 (UTC)
So viel Herzblut habe ich daran nicht, aber ich hatte gadacht - das es nicht schlecht wäre auch andere Sprachversionen zu "versorgen". Ich hatte versucht ein Bild der ganzen Gruppe mit den aktuellen Auftritt und die einzelnen Mitglieder (dieser Tour) in den Artikel zu stellen. --Atamari (talk) 07:29, 18 April 2016 (UTC)
@Atamari: Ich habe einfach dein 2014 Foto in die Box eingesetzt und das Foto von 1982 darunter geschoben. [3] --A.Savin 12:05, 18 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 26 Hanging Garden.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:11, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 20 Kemps Corner.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:11, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 80 Dadar Beach view of the SeaLink.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Interesting motif, good quality. --Milseburg 22:02, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 84 Elphinstone Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:11, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 44 Marine Drive.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 22:11, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 18 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 36 Mahatma Gandhi Road.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Xicotencatl 15:17, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 58 Cotton Green station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:14, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 59 Dockyard Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Halavar 14:46, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 69 Victoria Terminus.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 15:14, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 11 Haji Ali Dargah.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Halavar 14:46, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 19 April 2016 (UTC)



Die Alternative für Deutschland benutzt auf ihrer Facebook-Seite eine deiner Fotografien von Heiko Mass, die ausdrücklich keine Lizenz für Facebook hat.

https://www.facebook.com/alternativefuerde/posts/1123240614372943 --> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Heiko_Maas_Berlin_2015年08月29日.jpg

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gurudwara Bangla Sahib in New Delhi 03-2016 img1.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Tuxyso 19:28, 17 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gurudwara Bangla Sahib in New Delhi 03-2016 img3.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 15:47, 17 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 79 Dadar Beach.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 15:56, 17 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 74 Marine Lines station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 17:29, 17 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 17 Warden Road.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 23:45, 18 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 60 Sandhurst Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 22:55, 18 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:26, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture !

The image File:Mumbai 03-2016 72 Flora Fountain.jpg , that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Mumbai 03-2016 72 Flora Fountain.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 86 Grant Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 03:12, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 37 University.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 03:20, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 82 Dadar Beach view of the SeaLink.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ezarate 13:29, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 38 University.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Moroder 11:17, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:24, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Hi there, while I will not contest your declining the promotion of File:Plastic chess pieces.jpg since I know such things are pointless, I'm simply curious what jpeg artifacts you are referring to. The picture was not processed in-camera at all and the post processing of the raw material was only to trim it and remove the color. The chess pieces themselves however have a grainy structure, maybe that is what you mistook for jpeg artifacts. Best, w.carter -Talk 09:42, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Maybe you're right, anyway there are serious quality issues at 100% view so that the picture fails the review for me. --A.Savin 10:09, 22 April 2016 (UTC)
Ok, no problem, as long as I know what's what. :) w.carter -Talk 11:37, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 50 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 03:32, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 28 Kamla Nehru Park.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 06:36, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 33 Maharashtra Police building detail.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Pity the tip above is missing, but for me good quality.--Famberhorst 05:58, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 85 Parel station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Hubertl 07:52, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:35, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

History of Russia

Hi! What do you think about removing these files: File:RussianHistory1.ogg, File:RussianHistory2.ogg? Since they are not used more in the article w:History of Russia, because I recorded several years ago new version for the Intro of the article.

I don't like these recordings (it was a reason for me to create new version of audio) and Wikimedia Commons is not a hosting service :)-- Andrew Krizhanovsky (talk) 03:26, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 02 Vile Parle station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 05:59, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 63 Dhobi Talao Chowk.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. Realistic street scene. --Hubertl 08:17, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 65 BMC Building.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality although I would have cloned out the bird on the left. --Code 06:08, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 18 Jindal Mansion.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Code 06:10, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 21 Saifee Hospital.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 11:14, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 42 Central Telegraph Office.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 15:22, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 67 Victoria Terminus.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality -- Spurzem 09:42, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 75 Charni Road station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 11:14, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 77 sunset at Marine Drive.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 11:14, 22 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Goa-Vasco 03-2016 05 Vaddem.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality, both street and parts of surrounding areas in focus. --Peulle 15:17, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Goa-Vasco 03-2016 09 beach in Vaddem.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments An excellent image because I really taste the dirt. Unfortunately I am a bit dissappointed about the technical quality, but it is good enough for a Q1photo --Michielverbeek 14:58, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Goa-Vasco 03-2016 07 view to Mormugao Harbour.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Quite good. --Шухрат Саъдиев 13:59, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 03 Santacruz station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Quite good. --Jacek79 13:50, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 48 bus in Mahim.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Very good, both in technical, and artstic aspects. --Jacek79 13:49, 23 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 32 monument to Swami Vivekananda.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments {{{3}}}

--QICbot (talk) 05:22, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 13 Haji Ali Dargah.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. Colours are good and the image is well-focused. --Peulle 16:36, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 24 Hanging Garden.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 17:23, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 51 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 16:52, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 35 Prince of Wales Museum.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support a bit too contrasted and satured --Christian Ferrer 15:57, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 70 Asiatic Society Library.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 17:23, 24 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Goa-Vasco 03-2016 02 Vaddem.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 03:43, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Gurudwara Bangla Sahib in New Delhi 03-2016 img2.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments The hands on the bakcground are a bit distracting but not disqualify the image IMHO --Ezarate 01:11, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 10 skyline of Lotus Colony.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality.--Famberhorst 15:45, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 46 evening at Marine Drive.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support --Christian Ferrer 17:23, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 62 Jama Mosque.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments The right crop is not the best but overall ok --Poco a poco 17:34, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 78 Dadar station.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments  Support Good quality--Lmbuga 16:51, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 28 April 2016 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture !

The image File:Mumbai 03-2016 52 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg , that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Mumbai 03-2016 52 Dharavi near Mahim Junction.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.

/FPCBot (talk) 13:07, 28 April 2016 (UTC)

Quality Image Promotion

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 71 Veer Nariman Road.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Bgag 03:24, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 43 The Ambassador detail.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 03:14, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 76 BJPC Institute.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Beautiful motive, great colors, smart composition. Very good quality. --Johann Jaritz 03:12, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 83 Mahim mill.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Johann Jaritz 03:07, 27 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Goa-Vasco 03-2016 03 Vaddem.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Poco a poco 19:44, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 72 Flora Fountain.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Jacek Halicki 08:34, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

Your image has been reviewed and promoted

Congratulations! Mumbai 03-2016 64 Dhobi Talao Chowk.jpg , which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status.

If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates.

We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Comments Good quality. --Ermell 07:12, 26 April 2016 (UTC)

--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 29 April 2016 (UTC)

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