Thor: The Asgardian Chronicles, Chapter 237- War of the Gods, Part 8: Hermod the Swift

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#1 Edited By The Impersonator


Rated M for Mature

Appropriate for readers 18 and over. May contain extreme violence, sexual themes, nudity, or profanity.

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Thor: The Asgardian Chronicles, Chapter 237- War of the Gods, Part 8: Hermod the Swift

King Tyr Culson stared at the Warlock's Eye with deep concentration and awe. He never thought to this day, that he could witness it in his entire life. Thus the tales of this magical object were true, that the Vanir Warlock had created it, after plucking out his right eye and then transformed it into a crystalline form, by using the powers of the Dark God.

Ollerus the Unmerciful smiled and said, "Is it not beautiful, sire?"

Tyr did not seem to listen to him, for he still looked within the object itself and then noticed something... strange, as if he had been drawn in by such power and immensity of it, that he could not take his eyes off from.

Then after a little while, Tyr stood up and then looked at the Vanir sorcerer. "How does it work?"

Ollerus smiled again. "You only need to look closer towards it, sire, and make your wish from the bottom of your heart and mind. Only then, you would be able to control King Frey's men."

"May I remind you that Frey is no longer king." It was not a question.

"Aye, I know that. Perhaps it is only a good manner of speaking thus."

Tyr chuckled. "You seemed to be a formal man, sorcerer. But I know not of your dark past. Perhaps you can tell me all about it, when you have the chance."

"And if I not tell you, sire? What then?"

King Tyr looked at him for a while and then said, "Do you not trust me, sorcerer? Your secrets are not meant to be kept hidden from me, whilst I'm still king."

"I do not mean offense, sire. But..."

"But what?"

"I have done myself many cruel things, sire. If you were to be King of Vanaheim until an heir comes to place, would it not be fair that your people shall know that I am siding with you?"

"You do not need to worry about that, sorcerer. I am king, and if anyone does not like whom I choose to aid or work with, they shall answer for it."


Hermod, the Messenger God finally escaped from his own dungeon cell of darkness. The guards who had kept constant watch of their Asgardian prisoner, fumed with fury and thus called out for more reinforcements, when Hermod ran them off like a ton of bricks.

Hermod was glad to have his powers back, but at a cost of making his dear father, King Odin somewhat weary. He could even feel it, the raw connection of power that had been partly cut off from him. He had known of this true fact, ever since his father had told him about the Odin Force.

More soldiers arrived to stop the God of Speed. And this Hermod would not stop running, for he had a mission to fulfill. And that mission was to bring the news of King Tyr Culson, who had started a war against the other Gods.

Aye, he remembered alright, once he had accessed the Odin Force. That fateful day when he was about to deliver the news to Asgard when all of a sudden, he was attacked by an unknown enemy. This enemy had the power to control movements, as if it were not Hermod's own. Therefore, Hermod was dumbstruck when a group of Tyr's men suddenly attacked him.

Not only that, they had brought a Leecher with them. The same one whom she had kept constant watch on Hermod in the dark cell for countless days.

No matter, for it was over, since Hermod had burned the creature down, or so he thought.

Then he stopped and heard the wild roar of Tyr's men in the hallway of King Frey's castle. The guards came as well. A few archers took aim at this godly speedster. But Hermod would not allow them to have their own strike, for he could run faster than the speed of light!

And so, he deliberately ran them off, here and there, and punched a few of them at the same time. A couple of arrows flew forth and thus Hermod swept away, caught one, and then threw it back. One archer fell down, and the other drew out his sword and rushed forward to attack the Messenger God.

The godly speedster did not have time for this. He could have easily escaped from here without attacking them. But there were so many more of King Tyr's men, almost surrounding him at every corner of the hallway. And what if they had another Leecher beside them like the last time? No, Hermod thought. That shall never happen again.

And so, Hermod used all of his speed powers to spin himself almost like a tornado! Aye, a tornado that could destroy everything in its path.

So many men flew backward from such force, and that it was hopeless for them to try and stop Hermod the Swift. Thus Hermod ran forward and accidentally bumped into one of King Frey's former advisors, named Krinek.

"Oh, dear Gods..." Krinek said, as he slowly got up from the floor. And when he noticed the Messenger God, Krinek was glad and quite surprised to see him. But when Hermod looked at him, uncertainly, he said, "Krinek? What are you doing with Tyr's men?"

The advisor felt that there was no time to explain this seeming treachery all at once. But he said it anyways. "Hermod... This is not what it looks like. I..."

He stopped, when suddenly out of nowhere, an arrow shot through Hermod's leg! The God of Speed cried out in pain, and thus Krinek jumped and fell down again. Hermod turned around to see that it was the other archer, who just shot him.

Damn him, Hermod thought. I was distracted by... by this traitor, Krinek!

Hermod plucked the arrow out of his leg and thought, If I run fast now, the blood might flow faster as well. Which means... Aye, he would surely be weakened at this state. But since he was a God, he could heal in no time, and so he must not run any faster for just a few moments.

Hermod thus waited and then looked at his wound. It was healed. And even just for a few seconds, any arrow could have hit Hermod himself.

One of Tyr's men cried out, "GET HIM!"

But it was too late. Hermod the Swift quickly ran away from the hallway.


In the great halls of Nornkeep, King Odin felt awfully silent, as his dear friend, Karnilla the Enchantress waited for him to speak.

Odin sighed. "I must say that it had been quite long since I was here."

"Yes, that is true. But you are far too busy, Odin. You know this very well."

"Aye. But I fear that something might come to pass, and if I were to say it..."

Karnilla touched the palm of his hand as always, whenever King Odin was in deep trouble. "Listen to me, Odin. Do not worry about the Norn Sisters. They shall not know of what troubles you."

Odin looked at her. "But what if they already knew? It is one reason why I don't often go to them."

Karnilla looked at him for a while and then said, "I could ask, if you want..."

Odin shook his head. "No, that won't be necessary. It is best that I tell you, Karnilla. Right here."

"Then say it, Odin. Say what you must."

The Third King of Asgard relaxed himself, as if he were in deep thought. Then he finally said, "It is about my son, Balder who had just returned from Vanaheim."

"Yes, I have heard of this. One of the sisters told me."

Odin felt a sort of chill within him. But then again, he would have to say it in front of her dearest friend. "Anyways, Balder is now back in Vanaheim, with Thor, Sif and Erik Masters to deal with Tyr Culson who had started the Vanir Civil War."

Karnilla nodded as she had known of this grave news. But this time, a scout who was the member of the household guard had thus told her.

"Go on..."

"Karnilla... I had a vision last night, right before Balder came back to Asgard.

There was a moment of silence.

Odin sighed again. "I saw him... killed by... some unknown warrior woman, whom I have not seen before."

"I see... And what does she look like?"

Odin gave the exact description of the woman's appearance. Then Karnilla gasped!

"What is it, Karnilla?"

The Enchantress suddenly got up from her seat and then looked out the garden. A few of her servants were currently tending to it.

Odin went behind her. "What is it that you are not telling me?"

Karnilla looked at him. "I know not, Odin. But I have a bad feeling about what you have just said."

"I... I see. So you do know who I am talking about?"

The Enchantress sort of looked away from him. "I... I am not sure. Maybe you should seek out the truth from the Norn Sisters."


Karnilla was astounded to see him angry like this, especially for the first time in years of their friendship. "And why not, Odin? Are you afraid of what you might find?"

Odin thought she was right. He was indeed afraid. The vision that he had earlier, was just the beginning of his worst fears, and the last time that he had visited the Norn Sisters, they predicted well of Loki's dark future.

"Alright, Karnilla. Whatever I might find from the Norn Sisters, I shall deal with it."

To be continued in Thor: The Asgardian Chronicles, Chapter 238- War of the Gods, Part 9: Battle Lines.

Who is this woman that killed Balder in Odin's dark vision? Next, Thor and Erik Masters meet up with Freya after the second battle with the Warriors of Tyr. Find out in the next chapter of Thor. FOR ASGARD!

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