Placental lactogen secretion during prolonged-pregnancy in the rat : the ovary plays a pivotal role in the control of placental function / Kunio Shiota[ほか]
Two distinct placental lactogen-like substances in serum during mid-pregnancy in the rat / Naoki Furuyama[ほか]
Effects of TAP-144-SR, A sustained-release formulation of a potent GnRH agonist, on experimental endometriosis in the rat / Katsuichi Sudo[ほか]
20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in rat placenta / Kunio Shiota[ほか]
Characterization of rat placental lactogen-α(PL-α)with an antipeptide antibody directed against rat PLs / Naka Hattori[ほか]
A cDNA encoding a new member of the rat placental lactogen family, PL-I mosaic(PL-Im) / Mitsuko Hirosawa[ほか]
Glycosphingolipid composition in rat placenta : changes of glycosphingolipids associated with stage of the pregnancy / S. Itonori[ほか]
Changes in cell surface and intracellular glycoproteins of trophoblastic giant cells during mouse placentation / M. Azuma[ほか]
Effect of placental soluble factors on growth and differentiation of mouse ectoplacental cone in vitro / Masami Azuma[ほか]
Histochemical demonstration of activin/inhibin βA-, βB- and α-subunits in early embryos and oviducts of different strains of mice / Rong-Zhen Lu[ほか]