Retrocaval ureter with recurrent pyelonephritis / Hideoki Fukuoka[ほか]
The effect of aging on cell-cycle kinetics and X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in cultured lymphocytes from patients with down syndrome / Tatsuya Takeshita[ほか]
妊娠・産褥期における血中金属元素の推移 / 桐山めぐみ[ほか]
Effect of phototherapy on sister-Chromatid exchange in infants with down syndrome / Fang-yang Wu[ほか]
Ethics and fetal medicine / Makoto Higurashi[ほか]
障害や慢性疾患をもつ子どもの子育て支援 / 日暮眞[ほか]
先天性障害児を持つ親の療育姿勢と一般人の意識 : ダウン症児を例に / 林直子[ほか]
Effects of static magnetic fields on the induction of sister chromatid exchange in human lymphocytes in vitro / Sumio Iijima[ほか]