@book{ BN00958674, author = "物理学史研究刊行会 and Lenard, Philipp and 広重, 徹 and Thomson, J. J. (Joseph John), Sir and 横山, 雅彦 and Geiger, Hans and Marsden, Ernest and 辻, 哲夫 and Crowther, J. A. and 後藤, 鉄男 and Rutherford, Ernest and van den Broek, Antonius Johannes and Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys and 後藤, 順子", title = "原子模型", publisher = "東海大学出版会", year = "1970", series = "物理学古典論文叢書", number = "9", URL = "https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00958674" }