Un giorno di regno
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, [2024]
Un giorno di regno (Il finto Stanislao) : (1840)
Dzień królowania (Rzekomy Stanisław) : opera w 2 aktach, po raz pierwszy na instrumentach historycznych
King for a day (The false Stanislao) : opera in two acts, for the first time on historical instruments
歌劇「一日だけの王様」(偽のスタニズラオ) : ピリオド楽器による世界初録音
Content Type: performed music (ncrcontent), text (ncrcontent), Media Type: audio (ncrmedia), unmediated (ncrmedia), Carrier Type: audio disc (ncrcarrier), volume (ncrcarrier)
Sung in Italian
Added titles from program notes and obi strip
Libretto by Felice Romani
Tina Gorina, soprano ; Vivica Genaux, mezzo-soprano ; Giulio Pelligra, tenor ; Germán Olvera, Riccardo Novaro, baritones ; other soloists ; Chór Opery i Filharmonii Podlaskiej ; Europa Galante ; Fabio Biondi, conductor
Recorded: in the "Teatr Wielki" Polish National Opera, Moniuszko Auditorium in Warsaw, 19-21 August 2022
Program notes bound in container
Text in Italian with Polish and English translation
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina: NIFCCD 096--NIFCCD 097