Geometric and analytic aspects of functional variational principles : Cetraro, Italy 2022
Rupert Frank [and four authors] ; Andrea Cianchi, Vladimir Maz'ya, Tobias Weth, editors
(Lecture notes in mathematics, volume 2348 . C.I.M.E. Foundation subseries)
Springer, [2024] , , c2024
東京都立大学 図書館 数学 /410.8/L49m/234810006334984
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理数理 _Ser||LNM||234841704816 Content Type: text (ncrcontent), Media Type: unmediated (ncrmedia), Carrier Type: volume (ncrcarrier) Other authors: Giuseppe Mingione, Lubos Pick, Ovidiu Savin, Jean Van Schaftingen Includes bibliographical references
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