This volume exposes the chemistry community to the critical role that chemistry can and must play in nonlinear optics research. In addition, it brings together those researchers who synthesize and characterize materials from a variety of systems, with those who build devices, giving chemists, physicists, and engineers a greater appreciation for the opportunities that lie ahead in understanding and developing nonlinear optical materials. The volume begins with a
discussion of polarizability and hyperpolarizability from the view of a chemist. Tutorial chapters dealing with the fundamental structures and properties of second- and third-order nonlinear optical materials, measurement and characterization of these systems, theoretical considerations, application of
these systems to devices, and overviews of the current state of affairs in both organic and inorganic nonlinear optical materials follow.
- Linear and Nonlinear Polarizability: a Primer
- Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Processes in Molecules and Solids
- Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Effects in Molecular and Polymeric Materials
- Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials
- Electronic Hyperpolarizability and Chemical Structure
- Electrooptic Polymer Waveguide Devices: Status and Applications
- Waveguiding and Waveguide Applications of Nonlinear Organic Materials
- Nonlinear Optical Materials: The Great and Near Great
- Donor- and Acceptor-Substituted Organic and Organometallic Compounds: Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Use of a Sulfonyl Group in Materials for Nonlinear Optical Materials: A Bifunctional Electron Acceptor
- Organic and Organometallic Compounds: Second-Order Molecular and Macroscopic Optical Nonlinearities
- Chemistry of Anomalous-Dispersion Phase-Matched Second Harmonic Generation
- Applications of Organic Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Materials
- Chromophore-Polymer Assemblies for Nonlinear Optical Materials: Routes to New Thin-Film Frequency-Doubling Materials
- Novel Covalently Functionalized Amorphous *y^2 Nonlinear Optical Polymer: Synthesis and Characterization
- Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polyphosphazanes
- Molecular Design for Enhanced Electric Field Orientation of Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Chromophores
- Nonlinear Optical Chromophores in Photocrosslinked Matrices: Synthesis, Poling, and Second-Harmonic Generation
- Thermal Effects on Dopant Orientation in Poled, Doped Polymers: Use of Second Harmonic Generation
- Organic Polymers as Guided Wave Materials
- Observing High Second Harmonic Generation and Control of Molecular Alignment in One Dimension: Cyclobutenediones as a Promising New Acceptor for Nonlinear Optical Materials
- Strategy and Tactics in the Search for New Harmonic-Generating Crystals
- Development of New Nonlinear Optical Crystals in the Borate Series
- What is Materials Chemistry?
- Defect Properties and the Photorefractive Effect in Barium Titanate
- Defect Chemistry of Nonlinear Optical Oxide Crystals
- From Molecular to Supramolecular Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Control of Symmetry and Asymmetry in Hydrogen-Bonded Nitroaniline Materials
- Molecular Orbital Modeling of Monomeric Aggregates in Materials with Potentially Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Strategies for Design of Solids with Polar Arrangement
- Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Designed For Electronic Nonlinear Optical Applications
- Model Polymers with Distyrylbenzene Segments for Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Composites: Novel Materials for Second Harmonic Generation
- Clathrasils: New Materials for Nonlinear Optical Applications
- Inorganic Sol-Gel Glasses as Matrices for Nonlinear Optical Materials
- Intrazeolite Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Quantum Supralattices: New Materials for Nonlinear Optical Applications
- Small Semiconductor Particles: Preparation and Characterization
- Synthetic Approaches to Polymeric Nonlinear Optical Materials Based on Ferrocene Systems
- Transition Metal Acetylides for Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Third-Order Near-Resonance Nonlinearities in Dithiolenes and Rare Earth Metallocenes
- Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Phthalocyanines
- Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Polysilanes and Polygermanes
- Design of New Nonlinear Optic-Active Polymers: Use of Delocalized Polaronic or Bipolaronic Charge States
- New Polymeric Materials with Cubic Optical Nonlinearities: From Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
- Polymers and an Unusual Molecular Crystal with Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Quadratic Electrooptic Effect in Small Molecules
- Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials
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