Text ( visual ) : unmediated Sputnik sweetheart / by Haruki Murakami ; translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel. -- hardback. -- [London] : Vintage Classics , 2023. -- x, 229 pages ; 20 cm. -- Translated from the Japanese ; This translation originally published: London: Harvill, 2001. -- ISBN 9781529913569 ; (BD06009375) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BD06009375 Other Title(s): Spūtoniku no koibito ; スプートニクの恋人. -- Author Heading(s): 村上, 春樹 ; Gabriel, J. Philip. -- Classification(s): DC23 : 895.635 ; NDC10 : 913.6. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : Japan -- Social life and customs -- 20th century -- Fiction ; FREE : Love stories gsafdGBC3A6623