Case-based methods have a long history in the social sciences. They are extensively used and raise many practical and theoretical questions. This book provides a comprehensive, critical examination of case-oriented research. It offers concrete proposals about the best research methods and provides an unparalleled guide to the emergence and complexity of the field.
The Handbook:
- Situates the reader in the essential theoretical and practical issues;
- Demonstrates the unity and diversity of case-oriented research through an examination of case-based methods;
- Distinguishes between case-based and case study research;
- Elucidates the philosophical issues around case based methods;
- Examines case-based work in the context of both social theory and theories of research methods.
- INTRODUCTION: Case-Based Methods: Why We Need Them
- What They Are
- How to Do Them - David Byrne
Complexity and Case - David L Harvey
The Contextualist Approach to Social Science Methodology - Lars Mjoset
Reflexivity, Realism and the Process of Casing - Bob Carter and Alison Sealey
Single-Case Probabilities - Malcolm Williams and Wendy Dyer
Complex Realist and Configurational Approaches to Cases: A Radical Synthesis - David Byrne
Typologies - Ways of Sorting Things Out
Explanatory Typologies in Qualitative Analysis - Colin Elman
Introducing Cluster Analysis: What Can It Teach Us about the Case? - Emma Uprichard
Visualizing Types: The Potential of Correspondence Analysis - Dianne Phillips and John Phillips
How Classification Works, Or Doesn't: The Case of Chronic Pain - Emma Whelan
Quantitative Approaches to Case Based Methods
Case-Centred Methods and Quantitative Analysis - Ray Kent
The Logic and Assumptions of MDSO - MSDO Designs - Gisele De Meur and Alain Gottcheiner
The Case for Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Adding Leverage for Thick Cross-Case Comparison - Benoit Rihoux and Bojana Lobe
On the Duality of Cases and Variables: Correspondence Analysis (CA) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) - Ronald L Breiger
Using Cluster Analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis and NVivo in Relation to the Establishment of Causal Configurations with Pre-existing Large N Datasets: Machining Hermeneutics - David Byrne
Qualitative Approaches to Case-Based Research
Computer-Based Qualitative Methods in Case-Study Research - Nigel Fielding and Richard Warnes
Extending the Ethnographic Case Study - Sean O Riain
Scope in Case-Study Research - Gary Goertz and James Mahoney
Small-N Access Cases to Refine Theories of Social Exclusion and Access to Socially Excluded Individuals and Groups - Nick Emmel and Kahryn Hughes
Using Comparative Data: A Systems Approach to a Multiple Case Study - Fred Carden
Making the Most of an Historical Case Study: Configuration, Sequence, Casing, and the US Old-Age Pension Movement - Edwin Amenta
Poetry and History: The Case for Literary Evidence - John Walton
Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: Cluster Analysis in Economics - Paul Downward and Joseph Riordan
The Proper Relationship of Comparative-Historical Analysis to Statistical Analysis: Subordination, Integration or Separation? - James Mahoney and P Larkin Terrie
Case Studies and the Configurational Analysis of Organizational Phenomena - Peer C Fiss
The Case in Medicine - Frances Griffiths
Team-Based Aggregation of Qualitative Case Study Data in Health Care Contexts: Challenges and Learning - Sue Dopson, Ewan Ferlie, Louise Fitzgerald and Louise Locock
Working with Cases in Development Contexts: Some Insights from an Outlier - Pip Bevan
Non-Nested and Nested Cases in a Socioeconomic Village Study - Wendy Olsen
Causality and Interpretation in Qualitative Policy-Related Research - David Byrne, Wendy Olsen and Sandra Duggan
Reflections on Casing and Case-Oriented Research - Charles C Ragin
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