The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics provides a critical survey of the methodological concepts, designs, instruments and types of analysis that are used within the broad field of applied linguistics. With more than 40 chapters written by leading and emerging scholars, this book problematizes and theorizes applied linguistics research, incorporating numerous multifaceted methodological considerations and pointing to the future of good practice in research. Topics covered include:
key concepts and constructs in research methodology, such as sampling strategies and mixed methods research;
research designs such as experimental research, case study research, and action research;
data collection methods, from questionnaires and interviews to think-aloud protocols and data elicitation tasks;
data analysis methods, such as use of R, inferential statistical analysis, and qualitative content analysis;
current considerations in applied linguistics research, such as a need for transparency and greater incorporation of multilingualism in research; and
recent innovations in research methods related to multimodality, eye-tracking, and advances in quantitative methods.
The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics is key reading for both experienced and novice researchers in Applied Linguistics as well as anyone undertaking study in this area.
Introduction: Theorizing research methods in the 'golden age' of applied linguistics research Jim McKinley
Part I: Key concepts and current considerations
Methodological transparency and its consequences for the quality and scope of research Emma Marsden
Multi-perspective research Brian Paltridge
Expanding the scope of mixed methods research in applied linguistics Mohammad R. Hashemi
Sampling: problematizing the issue Masuko Miyahara
Ensuring translation fidelity in multilingual research Gene Thompson and Karen Dooley
Researching multilingually in applied linguistics Jane Andrews, Prue Holmes, Richard Fay, and Susan Dawson
Solidarity and the politics of 'us': how far can individuals go in language policy? Research methods in non-Western contexts Cristine G. Severo and Sinfree B. Makoni
Advancing quantitative research methods Shawn Loewen and Aline Godfroid
Interdisciplinary research Jack Pun
Ethics in applied linguistics research Peter I. De Costa, Jongbong Lee, Hima Rawal, and Wendy Li
Part II: Designs and approaches to research
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs John Rogers and Andrea Revesz
Case study research: making language learning complexities visible Patricia A. Duff
Ethnography: origins, features, accountability and criticality Li Wei
Autoethnography and critical ethnography Sue Starfield
Action research in language education Dario Luis Banegas and Sal Consoli
Core dimensions in narrative inquiry Gary Barkhuizen
Methodological issues in critical discourse studies Christian W. Chun
Integrating corpus tools into mixed methods research Ron Martinez
Systematic reviews in applied linguistics Ernesto Macaro
Meta-analysis in applied linguistics Yo In'nami, Rie Koizumi, and Yasuyo Tomita
Methods and approaches in language policy research Qing Shao and Xuesong (Andy) Gao
Grounded theory method Gregory Hadley
Part III: Data collection methods
Planning and conducting ethical interviews: power, language and emotions Louise Rolland, Jean-Marc Dewaele, and Beverley Costa
Focus groups: capturing the dynamics of group interaction Nicola Galloway
Think-aloud protocols Lawrence Jun Zhang and Donglan Zhang
Stimulated recall Hugo Santiago Sanchez and Trevor Grimshaw
Questionnaires: implications for effective implementation Janina Iwaniec
Observations and field notes: recording lived experiences Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen
Diaries and journals: collecting insider perspectives in second language research Heath Rose
Oral language elicitation tasks in applied linguistics research Faidra Faitaki and Victoria A. Murphy
Eye-tracking as a data collection method Ana Pellicer-Sanchez and Kathy Conklin
Part IV: Data analysis
Using statistical analysis software (R, SPSS) Jenifer Larson-Hall and Atsushi Mizumoto
Descriptive statistics in data analysis Jessica Briggs Baffoe-Djan and Sara Ashley Smith
Inferential statistics in data analysis Simone E. Pfenninger and Hannah Neuser
Factor analysis and statistical modeling in applied linguistics: current issues and possibilities Yuliya Ardasheva, Kira J. Carbonneau, and Xue Zhang
Qualitative content analysis Ali Fuad Selvi
Text analysis Wei Wang
Analysis of corpora Averil Coxhead
A discursive psychological approach to the analysis of talk and text in applied linguistics Matthew T. Prior and Steven Talmy
Multimodal (inter)action analysis Jarret Geenen and Jesse Pirini
Toward an expansive interactional analysis Suresh Canagarajah, Daisuke Kimura, Mohammad Naseh Nasarollahi Shahri, and Michael D. Amory
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