The best-selling C++ For Dummies book makes C++ easier! C++ For Dummies, 7th Edition is the best-selling C++ guide on the market, fully revised for the 2014 update. With over 60% new content, this updated guide reflects the new standards, and includes a new Big Data focus that highlights the use of C++ among popular Big Data software solutions. The book provides step-by-step instruction from the ground up, helping beginners become programmers and allowing intermediate programmers to sharpen their skills. The companion website provides all code mentioned in the text, an updated GNU_C++, the new C++ compiler, and other applications. By the end of the first chapter, you will have programmed your first C++ application!
As one of the most commonly used programming languages, C++ is a must-have skill for programmers who wish to remain versatile and marketable. C++ For Dummies, 7th Edition provides clear, concise, expert instruction, which is organized for easy navigation and designed for hands-on learning. Whether you're new to programming, familiar with other languages, or just getting up to speed on the new libraries, features, and generics, this guide provides the information you need.
Provides you with an introduction to C++ programming
Helps you become a functional programmer
Features information on classes, inheritance, and optional features
Teaches you 10 ways to avoid adding bugs
The book incorporates the newest C++ features into the fundamental instruction, allowing beginners to learn the update as they learn the language. Staying current on the latest developments is a crucial part of being a programmer, and C++ For Dummies, 7th Edition gets you started off on the right foot.
Introduction 1 Part I: Getting Started with C++ Programming 7
Chapter 1: Writing Your First C++ Program 9
Chapter 2: Declaring Variables Constantly 33
Chapter 3: Performing Mathematical Operations 47
Chapter 4: Performing Logical Operations 53
Chapter 5: Controlling Program Flow 69
Part II: Becoming a Functional C++ Programmer 87
Chapter 6: Creating Functions 89
Chapter 7: Storing Sequences in Arrays 105
Chapter 8: Taking a First Look at C++ Pointers 121
Chapter 9: Taking a Second Look at C++ Pointers 135
Chapter 10: The C++ Preprocessor 153
Part III: Introduction to Classes 167
Chapter 11: Examining Object-Oriented Programming 169
Chapter 12: Adding Class to C++ 175
Chapter 13: Point and Stare at Objects 191
Chapter 14: Protecting Members: Do Not Disturb 207
Chapter 15: "Why Do You Build Me Up, Just to Tear Me Down, Baby?" 215
Chapter 16: Making Constructive Arguments 225
Chapter 17: The Copy/Move Constructor 247
Chapter 18: Static Members: Can Fabric Softener Help? 261
Part IV: Inheritance 271
Chapter 19: Inheriting a Class 273
Chapter 20: Examining Virtual Member Functions: Are They for Real? 281
Chapter 21: Factoring Classes 291
Part V: Security 301
Chapter 22: A New Assignment Operator, Should You Decide to Accept It 303
Chapter 23: Using Stream I/O 315
Chapter 24: Handling Errors - Exceptions 337
Chapter 25: Inheriting Multiple Inheritance 347
Chapter 26: Tempting C++ Templates 359
Chapter 27: Standardizing on the Standard Template Library 369
Chapter 28: Writing Hacker-Proof Code 381
Part VI: The Part of Tens 407
Chapter 29: Ten Ways to Avoid Adding Bugs to Your Program 409
Chapter 30: Ten Ways to Protect Your Programs from Hackers 417
Index 431
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