This book examines the diffusion of economic ideas in East Asia, assessing the impact of external ideas on internal theory and practice. It considers economists from Adam Smith onwards, including Marx, Keynes, Hayek and contemporary economists, and covers the subject both historically and also includes present day and likely future developments. The book covers all the major countries of East Asia, and pays particular attention to specific economists who have had a strong impact in specific countries, and to important developments in economic theory in East Asia, exploring how far these have been driven by Western economic ideas.
This book will be welcomed by students and scholars of East Asia and South-east Asia, as well as those interested in economics, economic history and management.
Part I: Introduction
1. The Introduction of Western Economics in East Asia
Part II: Country Contexts
2. The Diffusion of Western Economic Ideas and Policy Concepts in Dynamic Asian Economies: An Overview
3. The Diffusion of Western Economics in China
4. The Diffusion of Western Economics in Japan
5. The Diffusion of Western Economics in Korea
6. The Diffusion of Western Economics in Malaysia
7. The Diffusion of Western Economics in the Newly Industrialized Economies: Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan
Part III: Economists
8. Adam Smith in China: From Oblivion to Half-hearted Embrace? Hongyi Lai 9. German Economics and China
10. Friedrich List in China: The Second Face of Janus
11. The Diffusion of F. A. Hayek's Thoughts in Mainland China and Taiwan
12. On Keynes and China: Keynesianism 'with Chinese Characteristics'
13. Adam Smith's 'Sympathy' in Modern Japanese Perspectives
14. Japan's Keynes: Takahashi Korekiyo (1854-1936)
15. Schumpeter and Japan: Development through Cycles
16. The Legacy of Belgium and the Netherlands, 'L'Institut Superieur de Commerce d'Anvers' and Business Education in Japan: From the 1880s to the 1940s
Part IV: Themes
17. Western Economics in China after 1978: Four Views in Chinese Academia
18. Western Neo-Classical v Marxist Economics in the PRC after Mao: Another Kind of Revolution?
19. Impact of Western Economics on China's Reforms from the Late 1970s to the Present: An Overview
20. Western Ideas of Corporate Governance: China's Reform of Large State-owned Enterprises
Part V: Comparisons
21. Economic policy-making in Asia: the Western versus Eastern legacy of philosophical and economic thought
22. Concluding Remarks: Culture, Ideas and Western Economics in East Asia
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