Curriculum design options cover a continuum from regional and school-based programs to national and international frameworks. How does policy speak to practice? What have teacher-researchers discovered through in-classroom studies? Where do you begin to describe or measure 'effective' language education curriculum design?
The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design presents a comprehensive collection of essays on these issues by 31 established practitioners and new researchers. Informed by experienced scholarship and fresh studies, this handbook shares international perspectives on language education from policy and curriculum to teacher training and future directions.
The handbook addresses language education curriculum design across five sections:
Language curriculum design: perspectives, policies and practices
Designs across the curriculum
Curriculum designs in language education
Curriculum resources, evaluation and assessment
Teacher education, research and future projects
With contributions from Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Switzerland, Timor-Leste and more, the handbook represents the breadth of research into and the global implications for sound language education curriculum design. It considers equally the needs of students and policy makers from urban metropolises and remote communities. It is designed to reinvigorate discussions about education policy, curriculum management and the role of teacher-researchers.
Chapter 1 - Language education curriculum design: voices for uncertain times
Peter Mickan and Ilona Wallace
Section 1: Language curriculum design: perspectives, policies and practices
Chapter 2 - Freedom and authority, success and failure in Australian education: disruptive designs in curriculum policy and practice
Peter Mickan and Ilona Wallace
Chapter 3 - From policy to practice: How context and contestation shape the implementation of Timor-Leste's language education curriculum
Laura Ogden
Chapter 4 - Curriculum design and English Without Borders (Brazil)
Elaine Maria Santos and Rodrigo Belfort Gomes
Section 2: Designs across the curriculum
Chapter 5 - Grammatics for ameliorating reading comprehension skills: a social semiotic approach
Hesham Alyousef
Chapter 6 - The implementation of content and language integrated learning in Spain: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
Maria Luisa Carrio-Pastor
Chapter 7 - Knowledge about (English) language across the curriculum in EAL and CLIL contexts
Marianne Turner
Section 3: Curriculum designs in language education
Chapter 8 - Language and literacy education in remote Indigenous schools: the pedagogic roundabout
Bronwyn Parkin and Helen Harper
Chapter 9 - A university reading and writing course for indigenous students: a permanency policy in the field of languages and literacies
Bruna Morelo and Camilla Dilli
Chapter 10 - Translanguaging the curriculum: a Critical Language Awareness Curriculum for silenced Indigenous voices
Nina Carter, Denise Angelo and Catherine Hudson
Chapter 11 - English language teaching goes CLIL: fostering literacy and language development in secondary schools in Spain
Ana Halbach
Section 4: Curriculum resources, evaluation and assessment
Chapter 12 - Transformative curriculum design: functional linguistics applied in text-based teaching
Peter Mickan
Chapter 13 - Textbook analysis and design: social semiotic and communicative perspectives
Irma Kuci
Chapter 14 - Grading and gathering evidence in Swiss elementary and lower secondary school English language classrooms
Laura Loder Buechel and Karine Lichtenauer
Chapter 15 - Connecting worlds: Linguistic landscapes as transformative curriculum artefacts in schools and universities
Donna Starks, Shem Macdonald, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos
Section 5: Teacher education, research and future projects
Chapter 16 - Enacting a content-based vocational English (VE) curriculum in an Indonesian secondary school
Handoyo Puji Widodo
Chapter 17 - A cross-linguistic and multilingual pre-service teacher education program: insights from the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Teacher Education (IMoF)
Barbara Hinger, Eva M Hirzinger-Unterrainer and Katrin Schmiderer
Chapter 18 - Building a curriculum to teach English to young learners in Brazil: a constructive-collaborative experience
Ana Paula de Lima and Samuel de Souza Neto
Chapter 19 - Curriculum design in language education: Research, evaluation and renewal
Peter Mickan
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