Traveler, scholar, political adventurer : a Transylvanian baron at the birth of Albanian independence : the memoirs of Franz Nopcsa
edited and translated from the German by Robert Elsie
Central European University Press, 2014
Reisen in den Balkan : die Lebenserinnerungen des Franz Baron Nopcsa
"A (partial) English translation of the German-language manuscript Reisen in den Balkan: die Lebenserinnerungen des Franz Baron Nopcsa (Travels in the Balkans: the memoirs of Baron Franz Nopcsa) which was edited by Robert Elsie and published in book form in Peja (Kosovo) in 2001 ... the present English-language translation of the memoirs ... was carried out in the years 2011-2012. It comprises the core sections of the German original, though it excludes the material on his early years, his military career in the First World War, and the rather curious episode of his life when he gave up his social position and lived as a Romanian shepherd in the Carpathian mountains"--Introduction
Includes bibliographical references (205-216) and index
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