* Provides a self-contained introduction to General Relativity and to its standar applications.
* Presents readers with all the tools necessary for further learning and research in the field.
* Accessible to readers with just foundational knowledge of linear algebra and Lagrangian mechanics.
1. Space and Time: The Classical View. 2. From Space and Time to Space-Time. 3. From Inertial to Non-Inertial Reference Frames. 4. Pseudo-Riemannian Spaces. 5. The Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tensor. 6. From Non-Inertial Frames to Gravity: the Equivalence Principle. 7. Observational Test of the Equivalence Principle. 8. Field Equations in the "Vacuum": the Isotropic Solution. 9. Test-particles in the Schwarzschild Space-Time. 10. The Classical Tests of General Relativity. 11. Gravitational Waves in the "Vacuum". 12. Schwarzschild Black Holes. 13. Field Equations in Non-Empty Space-Times. 14. Further Applications of Some Field Equations. 15. Theoretical Cosmology. 16. The Hot Big-Bang. Appendix A. References. Index.
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