Joseph Conrad: Contemporary Reviews (five volumes) is an indispensable resource for Conrad specialists and students of literary Modernism generally, aiming to provide as complete a view as possible of the contemporary reception of Joseph Conrad's works in the English-speaking world. These volumes offer insights into early twentieth-century reviewing practices, the marketing of literary fiction and the wide interest in such writing, as reviews of Conrad's work regularly appeared in provincial and colonial newspapers. Contemporary Reviews Volume 5 offers previously unavailable reviews spanning Conrad's career, from Almayer's Folly (1895) to Last Essays (1926). The nearly one thousand reviews collected here chart the consolidation of Conrad's reputation as a major English author, recording his impact upon late-Victorian literature and demonstrating how he helped shape literary Modernism. Articulating areas of critical interest that continue to attract readers and commentators today, the Contemporary Reviews confirm Conrad's growing stature in the colonial literary marketplace.
- General Editors' Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Chronology
- The Reviews: Almayer's Folly (1895)
- An Outcast of the Islands (1896)
- The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' (1897)
- Tales of Unrest (1898)
- Lord Jim (1900)
- The Inheritors (1901)
- Youth: A Narrative and Two Other Stories (1902)
- Typhoon and Other Stories (1903)
- Falk, Amy Foster, To-Morrow: Three Stories (1903)
- Romance (1903)
- Nostromo (1904)
- The Mirror of the Sea (1906)
- The Secret Agent (1907)
- A Set of Six (1908)
- The Point of Honor (1908)
- Under Western Eyes (1911)
- Some Reminiscences (1912)
- A Personal Record (1912)
- 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912)
- Chance (1914)
- Within The Tides (1915)
- Victory (1915)
- The Shadow-Line (1917)
- The Arrow of Gold (1919)
- The Rescue (1920)
- Notes on Life and Letters (1921)
- The Rover (1923)
- The Nature of a Crime (1924)
- Tales of Hearsay (1925)
- Suspense (1925)
- Last Essays (1926)
- Index.
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