This book reflects the outcome of contribution by the plural community and of the interactions between disciplines. With the mass of data available through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in an unprecedented quantity since the Human History, it is now possible to access dimensions of knowledge that, though not hidden, could not be grasped in the same way in the past. The question of how this information can be used for the benefit of institutional and economic actors to foster the development of a territory. Tackling the issue from a resolutely interdisciplinary perspective, the authors explore the theories and methods of complex systems in order to discuss how they can contribute in these new circumstances to territorial intelligence and to the development practices in which it is embodied. This book illustrates how today's research explores the multiple facets of territorial systems in order to reproduce their richness. It invites readers to learn about the challenges, ideas, results and advances present in this domain.
Modelling urban trajectories: the subjective biography of a scientific question.- Fractapolis - A fractal concept for the sustainable development of metropolitian areas.- Handling complex multilayer networks - An approach based on visual network analytics.- A complexity inspired tool for thinking together in sustainable transport planning.- Building a Smarter City with a "Mobility Oriented Management": the Toulouse COMMUTE project.- Modeling modal shares of access travel to railway stations based on station profiles.- Systems-of-Systems and Regional Resilience Assessment.- The complex structure of mobility graphs derived from Twitter geo-localisation data in the Paris area.- Mathematical modeling and optimal control of complex epidemiological networks.- Study of a model of nervousness propagation within virtual crowds.- Spatio-temporal dynamics of human behaviors during disasters : a mathematical and geographical approach.- Modelling and Gaming Urban Mobility: Ile-de-France's Post-Car Project.- EM3: a model to explore the effects of ecomobility policies on an urban area.
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