This pioneering piece of research on the situated study of language issues in the context of forced migration provides interdisciplinary insights into language as learned, used and lived by 12 Congolese refugees in Norway. It offers an innovative contribution to the field of SLA by bringing together structural, cognitive, social and critical approaches to data collected among the same individuals, these individuals being underrepresented within the field of SLA research as both refugees and learners whose experiences with language stem from the Global South. Their histories of mobility and their learning contexts are rarely reflected in theories and concepts from the Global North and this book thus makes a much-needed contribution to the field.
Chapter 1. Guri Bordal Steien and Marte Monsen: Introduction: Language Learning and Forced Migration
Part 1: Emic Perspectives and Learning Contexts
Chapter 2. Marte Monsen and Guri Bordal Steien: Women, Children, Dogs, Flowers and Men: Constructions of Norway and Investment in Norwegian Language Learning
Chapter 3: Guri Bordal Steien: 'In Uganda, We Collected Them in the Streets': On (the Absence of) the Street as a Language Learning Space
Chapter 4. Veronica Pajaro: Scripts and Texts as Technologies of Refugee Governmentality in the Norwegian Introduction Programme
Chapter 5. Marte Monsen and Marianne Eek: 'Because I Was the Only One Who Dared': Approaches to Multilingual Repertoires in Adult Language Training
Chapter 6. Marte Monsen: Resettling Literacies: The Case of Sarah and Simon
Part 2: Language Practices, Knowledge and Learning
Chapter 7. Ida Syvertsen: Syllable Structures in English Speech Produced by Multilingual Speakers with Histories of Mobility
Chapter 8. Sylvi Rorvik: Word Order in Additional Language English Spoken by Multilinguals
Chapter 9. Gunhild Tveit Randen: 'The Sound of Asking a Question': Metalanguage and Crosslinguistic Awareness in Adults Learning Norwegian as an Additional Language
Chapter 10. Bard Uri Jensen: Syntactic Complexity in Early Adult Additional Language Norwegian
Chapter 11. Marte Nordanger: A Year Goes By: A Longitudinal Study of Verb-Locative Constructions in Additional Language Norwegian
Chapter 12. Paulina Horbowicz: Pragmatic Development in Four Congolese Refugees' Norwegian: Response to Topic Initial Elicitors and Topic Proffers
Chapter 13. Guri Bordal Steien and Marte Monsen: Conclusion: Towards a Research Agenda on Language Learning and Forced Migration
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