English language teaching and learning informed by language corpora;
corpora in syllabus and materials design;
corpora and English for specific and academic purposes;
learner corpora for English language teaching;
data-driven learning; and
corpora and corpus tools for language teaching.
List of figures
List of tables
List of corpora and corpus tools
Reka R. Jablonkai and Eniko Csomay
Section 1 English language teaching and learning informed by language corpora
1 A historical overview of using corpora in English language teaching
Jiajin Xu
2 Corpora and Second Language Acquisition
Magali Paquot
3 Corpora in the teaching of vocabulary and phraseology
Pawel Szudarski
4 Corpus analysis of grammar-in-discourse for English language teaching
Stefan Frazier
5 Corpora in instructed second language pragmatics
Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Sabrina Mossman
6 Corpora and speaking skills
William Crawford
7 Corpora for teaching social conversation
Michael McCarthy and Jeanne McCarten
8 Corpora for teaching culture and intercultural communication
Tania Fahey Palma
9 Corpora for materials design
Eric Friginal and Jennifer Roberts
10 Corpora for English language learning textbook evaluation
Mike Nelson
11 English as a Lingua Franca corpora and English language teaching
Xue Wu and Lei Lei
Section 2 Corpora and English for Specific Purposes and English for Academic Purposes
12 Corpus analysis of disciplinary variation and the teaching of ESP/EAP
Paul Thompson
13 Corpora for teaching and learning vocabulary in ESP
Averil Coxhead
14 Corpora for teaching collocations in ESP
Clarence Green
15 Lexical bundles in EAP
Viviana Cortes
16 Corpora for EAP writing
Lynne Flowerdew
17 Corpora and EAP listening comprehension
Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli
18 Corpora and feedback in EAP
Hilary Nesi and Benet Vincent
Section 3 Learner corpora for English language teaching
19 Written learner corpora to inform teaching
Gaetanelle Gilquin
20 Spoken learner corpora for language teaching
Dana Gablasova and Raffaella Bottini
21 Learner corpora to inform testing and assessment
Sandra Goetz
Section 4 Data-driven Learning
22 DDL pedagogy, participants, and perspectives
Fiona Farr and Petter Hagen Karlsen
23 Revamping DDL: Affordances of digital technology
Fanny Meunier
24 Multimodal corpora and concordancing in DDL
Francesca Coccetta
25 DDL for younger learners
Peter Crosthwaite
26 How learners use corpora
Pascual Perez Paredes
27 Corpora and autonomous language learning
Maggie Charles
28 DDL for English language teaching in perspective
Ivor Timmis and Jane Templeton
Section 5 Corpora and corpus tools for English Language Teaching
29 Evaluating corpus analysis tools for the classroom
Clinton Hendry and Emily Sheepy
30 Building corpora for ELT
Reka R. Jablonkai
31 Parallel corpora in ELT
Laura M. Hartwell and Olivier Kraif
32 Automated syntactic analysis for ELT
Xiaofei Lu, J. Elliott Casal and Yingying Liu
33 Training teachers and learners to use corpora
Agnieszka Lenko-Szymanska
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