The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Research in Classroom Learning is a comprehensive psycholinguistic approach to the issue of instructed language learning that is uniquely theoretical, methodological, empirical, pedagogical, and curricular. Bringing together empirical studies with theoretical underpinnings, this handbook focuses on conceptual replications/extensions of, and new research on, classroom learning or Instructed SLA (ISLA). In chapters from leading experts, the Handbook reports on the tenets of several models that have postulated the roles of cognitive processes in the L2 learning process and also covers two major methodological data-elicitation procedures to be employed in addressing learner cognitive processes (think-aloud protocols and eye-tracking). With a dedicated interest in the role of this research in pedagogical ramifications, this handbook strives for deeper understanding of how L2 learners process L2 data in instructional settings.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
1. Classroom learning: Of processing and processes
Ronald P. Leow
Part 1
Theoretical Foundations
2. Theoretical underpinnings and cognitive processes in instructed SLA
Ronald P. Leow
Part II
Research Methodology
3. Verbal reports in instructed SLA research: Opportunities, challenges, and limitations
Melissa A. Bowles
4. Investigating instructed second language acquisition using L2 learners' eye-tracking data
Aline Godfroid
Part III
Empirical Studies in ISLA
Testing different stages of the L2 learning process
5. Levels of intake: A preliminary look at intake and eye fixation measures vis-a-vis type of linguistic item
Anne Thinglum
6. Levels of awareness, depth of processing, and the learning of L2 case markings
John Rogers
7. Exploring the relationships between lexical prior knowledge and depth of processing during the intake processing stage: An online investigation of L2 vocabulary learning
Anne Thinglum, Ellen J. Serafini, and Ronald P. Leow
8. Chapter 8. The role of prior knowledge in depth of processing during written production: A preliminary investigationJoara Martin Bergsleithner
Appendix A: Explicit Instruction
Appendix B
Appendix C: Narrative Instruction
Appendix D: Pretest and Post-test Using same Task and Test
9. Computerized type of feedback and depth of processing during a computerized problem-solving taskHui-Chen Hsieh
Appendix A
Appendix B
10. Type of feedback and assessment task modality: The role of depth of processing
Nina Moreno
Appendix A: [+EF] Condition
Appendix B: [-EF] Condition
11. Recasts in SCMC: Replicating and extending Gurzynski-Weiss et al. (2016)
Chrissy Bistline-Bonilla, Gabriela DeRobles, and Yiran Xu
12. What do learners notice while processing written corrective feedback? A look at depth of processing via written languaging
Lourdes Cerezo, Rosa M. Manchon, and Florentina Nicolas-Conesa
13. Written corrective feedback in compositions and the role of depth of processing
Allison Caras
14. Reactivity, language of think aloud protocol, and depth of processing in the processing of reformulated feedback
Sergio Adrada-Rafael and Marisa Filgueras-Gomez
Appendix A
15. Learners' use of indirect written corrective feedback: Depth of processing and self-correction
Eun Sung Park and Ok Yeon Kim
16. Teacher and student perspectives of LREs in a Year 1 Spanish class: A stimulated recall study
Shawn Loewen
Vocabulary learning
17. Sentence-level processing for content and new L2 words: Where does deeper processing go?
Joe Barcroft
Appendix: Examples of Sentences and Comprehension Checks From the Learning Phase
18. Test-enhanced learning in L2 Spanish lexical development: Issues of depth of processing and think-aloud reactivity
Almitra Medina
19. Effects of crosslinguistic similarity, complexity, and depth of processing on vocabulary recall
Scott Jarvis, Torri Raines, Paula Schaefer, and Olga Sormaz
20. Cognitive load, attention and incidental vocabulary learning: An eye-tracking study
Haemoon Lee and Hyunhye Choi
Appendix A: A Sample Reading Passage
Appendix B: Test Instrument (Sample Questions)
21. Morphological processing of citation and non-citation inflected words by second language learners
Kira Gor and Anna Chrabaszcz
Textual enhancement
22. Textual enhancement, type of linguistic item, and L2 development: A depth of processing perspective
Ronald P. Leow, Angela Donate, and Hortensia Gutierrez
23. Enhancement, attention, and awareness: An eye-tracking study of English syntax
Bimali Indrarathne
24. Explicit instruction, prior knowledge, depth of processing, and grammatical knowledge development of advanced EFL learners-the case of the English subjunctive mood
Fei Li
25. The effects of implicit positive and negative feedback on processing subsequent linguistic target items: An eye-tracking study
James F. Lee and Stephen Doherty
26. Processing instruction, guided induction, and L2 development
Alexandra Martin, Mina Niu, and Ronald P. Leow
27. Computer-assisted guided induction and deductive instruction on the development of complex Chinese ba structures: Extending Cerezo et al. (2016)
Jingyuan Zhuang
28. Noticeability of corrective feedback in three dimensional virtual environments and face-to-face classroom contexts
Eva Kartchava and Hossein Nassaji
Individual differences
29. Aptitude-treatment interactions in depth of processing: Individual differences and prior linguistics coursework predict learners' approaches to computer-mediated language learning activities
Rebecca Sachs and Kimi Nakatsukasa
30. Language aptitude profiles and the effectiveness of implicit and explicit corrective feedback
Gisela Granena and Yucel Yilmaz
31. Individual differences in working memory and instructed SLA
Nuria Sagarra
32. Examining the relationships between attentional allocation, working memory and second language development: An eye-tracking study
Bernard I. Issa
Part IV
A Curricular/Pedagogical Perspective of ISLA
33. From SLA > ISLA > ILL: A curricular/pedagogical perspective
Ronald P. Leow
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