The physical world
Conceived and introduced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama ; developed by the Compendium Compilation Committee ; translated by Ian James Coghlan ; edited with contextual essays by Thupten Jinpa
(Science and philosophy in the Indian Buddhist classics, v. 1)
Wisdom Publications, c2017
ʾPhag-yul gyi Nang-paʾi gzhung las byung baʾi tshan rig dang lta grub kun btus
"A translation of Nangpa'i tshan rig dang lta grub kun btus, vol. I. Dharamsala, India: Ganden Phodrang Trust(Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama), 2014."--T.p. verso Includes bibliographical references and index
Wisdom Publications
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