Spaceflight mechanics 2021 : proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting held February 1-3, 2021, virtual event
edited by Carolin Frueh ... [et al.]
(Advances in the astronautical sciences, v.176)
Published for the American Astronautical Society by Univelt, c2022
CD-ROM supplement contains all the papers in digital format
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
AAS 21-200,206,209,211,217,227,230/231,235,237,242,245,254,261,266/269,273,276,281,286,295/296,298/300,302,304,311,315,321,330/331,336,340,344,350,354,357/359,361,368/371,374,378,383/385,387/388,409/411,413,415,417,419,422/423,438,442/445
other editor: Renato Zanetti, Jeffrey R. Stuart, Angela L. Bowes
Published for the American Astronautical Society by Univelt, inc