On the regional development of early medieval Buddhist monasteries in South Asia
editors, Abhishek Singh Amar, Nicolas Morrissey, Akira Shimada
(RINDAS series of working papers : traditional Indian thoughts, 34)
The Center for South Asian Studies, Ryukoku University, 2022
"National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Project "Integrated Area Studies on South Asia (INDAS-South Asia)""--Cover "Joint Proceedings of the 1st RINDAS International Symposium 2021 Ryukoku University (Kyoto, Japan) July 31, 2021 and Vihāra Project International Research Workshop University of Georgia (Athens, USA) October 28-9, 2021" Eratta slip inserted Includes bibliographical references
The Centre for the Study of Contemporary India, Ryukoku University
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