Never before had any century in history known the continually accelerating rate and scope of change experienced in the twentieth century - with its revolutionary discoveries, technological inventions, political upheaval, and scientific advances, radical transformation touched virtually every arena of life.
In The Twentieth Century: A World History, R. Keith Schoppa uses a global lens spanning Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. He traces the major developments of the twentieth century from the rise of globalization to the dawn of the digital age; from the Great War of 1914-18 to the "great war in Africa," conflicts that span the first genocide of the century in Namibia to that of Bosnia-Kosovo in the late 1990s. It was the
"century of the refugee," as the explosion of human violence caused significant population displacement-and it was also the century of indigenous peoples fighting off the lingering impacts of imperialism. This volume surveys various U.S. struggles in battles for civil rights, and witnesses the 1992 collapse of Soviet
communism. The century ended in a spasm of violence: four African and European national genocides and the African war, one of the ten deadliest in history, involving nine nations, leaving 6 million dead and 5.4 million refugees.
From the collapse of empires to the rise of decolonized nation-states on the global stage, The Twentieth Century: A World History offers a rich chronological narrative of our recent past and provides a valuable historical standpoint from which to view our twenty-first century world.
Editor's Preface
Chapter 1: The Great War and Social Change, 1900-1919
Chapter 2: Claustrophobia: Totalitarianism and the Great Depression, 1920-1936
Chapter 3: Worlds Blown Apart, 1937-1949
Chapter 4: A New Day? Revolution, Cold War, and Decolonization, 1950-1965
Chapter 5: Struggling for Equality, Freedom, and Peace, 1966-1979
Chapter 6: Bright Triumphs, Dark Disasters, 1980-1991
Chapter 7: Written on the Darkest Pages of Human History, 1991-2000
Further Reading
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