The seventy-five elements (dharma) in the Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka
written and edited by Izumi Miyazaki (in chief), Takeshi Yokoyama ... [et al.]
(Studia philologica Buddhica, . Monograph series ; 40)
International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, 2022
Bauddhakośa : a treasury of Buddhist terms and illustrative sentences
The seventy-five elements in the Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka
バウッダコーシャ : 仏教用語の現代基準訳語集および定義的用例集
仏教用語の用例集 (バウッダコーシャ) および現代基準訳語集
F184.3/Mi 8800339009
Published as vol. 8 of "Bauddhakośa : a treasury of Buddhist terms and illustrative sentences"; Vols. 1-5, 7, 9-10 published in Japanese, as "バウッダコーシャ : 仏教用語の現代基準訳語集および定義的用例集" Includes bibliograpical references (p. 135-141) and indexes
Reiyukai Library
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