This edited book is written by six authors from Asia and Africa. The individual authors focus on their own country's case or cases that they have been working on. The book features local conflicts in six countries in Asia and Africa and identifies how the local conflicts are affected by the forces of globalization. Cases include Nigeria's oil-related conflicts, the Democratic Republic of Congo's timber conflicts, continuing instability in Mozanbique, Thailand's conflict with regard to AIDS medicine, Myanmar's local conflicts after its reforms, and the Afghanistan's conflicts over minerals. From these diverse case studies, the book examines how globalization and international politics affect local politics and conflicts, and vice versa. Even seemingly internal conflicts are shown to be significantly influenced by globalization forces and to create new dynamism in local politics. While there are other books that explore globalization and conflicts, many of them are conceptually organized with a small number of case studies. The present volume examines local conflicts in relation to globalization and demonstrates how structural inequality vis-a-vis weak stateness and statehood are significantly affected by global political economy.
1. Introduction
Yukiko Nishikawa
2. Globalization and the Nation-State in Africa and Asia
Yukiko Nishikawa
Part I Globalization and Local Conflict in Africa
3. Energy Security and the Paradox of Global Peacebuilding Interventions in Nigeria's Niger Delta
Tubodenyefa Zibima
4. International Policies and Illegal Logging Exploitation Sustaining Local Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Bosakaibo Bomino Georges
5. The Politics and Political Economy of Violent Conflicts in Post-War Mozambique
Manuel Francisco Sambo
Part II Globalization and Local Conflict in Asia
6. Local Conflicts in Post-Reform Myanmar
Yukiko Nishikawa
7. Battles on AIDS Drugs in Thailand
Benjamas Nillsuwan
8. Afghanistan and the Curse of Resources: Taliban's Greed-based Jihad in the Heart of Asia
Mohammad Reza Qasemi
9. Conclusion
Yukiko Nishikawa
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