Published in 1998, this is Volume 18 of the Perspectives on the History of Higher Education annual which includes a collection of 7 articles on The Land-Grant Act and American Higher Education: Context and Consequences.
Editor's Introduction, Articles, Alden Partridge's Proposal for a National System of Education: A Model for the Morrill Land-Grant Act, Leading and Losing in the Agricultural Education Movement: Freeman G. Cary and Farmers' College, 1846-1884, The Rise and Fall of Useful Knowledge: Higher Education for Science, Agriculture & the Mechanics Arts, 1850-1875, Justin S. Morrill and George W. Atherton: A Quarter-Century Collaboration to Advance the Land-Grant Colleges, The Second Morrill Act and Jim Crow Politics: Land-Grant Education at Arkansas AM&N College, 1890-1927, The Social Origins of Students at the Illinois Industrial University, 1868-1894, The Humanist Revolution in America, 1820-1860: Classical Antiquity in the Colleges, Recent Dissertations in the History of Higher Education
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