SCMS Award Winner "Best Edited Collection"
The standard analytical category of "national cinema" has increasingly been called into question by the category of the "transnational." This anthology examines the premises and consequences of the coexistence of these two categories and the parameters of historiographical approaches that cross the borders of nation-states. The three sections of World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives cover the geopolitical imaginary, transnational cinematic institutions, and the uneven flow of words and images.
Part One: The Geopolitical Imaginary of Cinema Studies
1. Transnational Film Theory: Decentered Subjectivity, Decentered Capitalism Kathleen Newman
2. On the Plurality of Cinematic Transnationalism Mette Hjort
3. Tracking "Global Media" in the Outposts of Globalization Bhaskar Sarkar
4. Time Zones and Jetlag: The Flows and Phases of World Cinema Dudley Andrew
5. Vector, Flow, Zone: Towards a History of Cinematic Translatio Natasa Durovicova
Part Two: Cinema as Transnational Exchange
6. Chinese Cinema and Transnational Film Studies Yingjin Zhang
7. A National Cinema Abroad: From Production to Viewing Toby Miller
8. Aural Identity, Genealogies of Sound Technologies, and Hispanic Transnationality on Screen Marvin D'Lugo
9. How Movies Move (Between Hong Kong and Bulawayo, Between Screen and Stage...) Lesley Stern
10. New Paradoxes of Africa's Cinemas Olivier Barlet
11. The Transnational Other: Street Kids in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema Joao Luiz Vieira
Part Three: Comparative Perspectives
12. Fantasy in Action Paul Willemen
13. Vernacular Modernism: Tracking Cinema on a Global Scale Miriam Hansen
14. Globalization and Hybridization Fredric Jameson
15. From Playtime to The World: The Expansion and Depletion of Space Within Global Economies Jonathan Rosenbaum
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