This multi-disciplinary volume is the first collective effort to explore Istanbul, capital of the vast polyglot, multiethnic, and multireligious Ottoman empire and home to one of the world's largest and most diverse urban populations, as an early modern metropolis.
It assembles topics seldom treated together and embraces novel subjects and fresh approaches to older debates. Contributors crisscross the socioeconomic, political, cultural, environmental, and spatial, to examine the myriad human and non-human actors, local and global, that shaped the city into one of the key sites of early modern urbanity.
Contributors are: Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano , Zeynep Altok, Walter G. Andrews, Betul Basaran, Cem Behar, Maurits H. van den Boogert, John J. Curry, Linda T. Darling, Suraiya Faroqhi, Emine Fetvaci, Shirine Hamadeh, Cemal Kafadar, Cigdem Kafescioglu, Deniz Karakas, Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik, B. Harun Kucuk, Selim S. Kuru, Karen A. Leal, Gulru Necipoglu, Christoph K. Neumann, Asli Niyazioglu, Amanda Phillips, Marinos Sariyannis, Aleksandar Shopov, Lucienne Thys-Senocak, Nukhet Varlik, N. Zeynep Yelce, Gulay Yilmaz, and Zeynep Yurekli.
Note on Transliteration
List of Figures and Tables
1 Early Modern Istanbul
Shirine Hamadeh and Cigdem Kafescioglu
2 The City Opens Your Eyes Because It Wants to Be Seen
The Conspicuity and Lure of Early Modern Istanbul
Cemal Kafadar
Part 1: Istanbulites of City and Court
3 Istanbul: A City of Men
Selim S. Kuru
4 Women in the City
Lucienne Thys-Senocak
5 Elites' Networks and Mobility
Christoph K. Neumann
6 Palace and City Ceremonials
N. Zeynep Yelce
7 Courtly Spaces: Visual and Material Culture
Emine Fetvaci
Part 2: Spaces and Landscapes of Production
8 Volatile Urban Landscapes between Mythical Space and Time
Gulru Necipoglu
9 Merchants and Global Connections
Maurits H. van den Boogert
10 Artisans and Guilds
Practices, Negotiations, and Conflicts
Suraiya Faroqhi
11 When Istanbul Was a City of Bostans
Urban Agriculture and Agriculturists
Aleksandar Shopov
12 Water for the City
Builders, Technology, and Private Initiative
Deniz Karakas
Part 3: Everyday Lives and Spaces of Habitation
13 Neighborhood and Family Lives
Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik
14 Communal Matters
Karen A. Leal
15 Crafts and Everyday Consumption
Amanda Phillips
16 Death in Istanbul
Plagues, Fires, and Other Catastrophes
Nukhet Varlik
17 Crime, Violence, and Urban Policing
Betul Basaran
Part 4: Streets and Publics
18 Sociability, Public Life, and Decorum
Marinos Sariyannis
19 Sufi Spaces and Practices
John J. Curry
20 The Sultan, His Monument, and the Critical Public
Zeynep Yurekli
21 Urban Protests, Rebellions, and Revolts
Gulay Yilmaz
22 The 18th-Century "Istanbul Tale"
Prose Tales and Beyond
Zeynep Altok
Part 5: Spaces of Thought and Imagination
23 Science and Technology
B. Harun Kucuk
24 Music and Musicians in the City
Cem Behar
25 Poets, Sufis, and Their City Tours
Asli Niyazioglu
26 The Poetics of Istanbul: The City of Cities
Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano and Walter G. Andrews
27 Istanbul Elites and Political Writing
Linda T. Darling
Select Bibliography
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