Passions are high in education, and this edited volume offers bold new ways to conceive of the affective intensities shaping our present historical moment. Concerns over school practices deemed "ineffective," "disruptive," "irrational," or even "promising" are matters modulated by and through feelings, such as, optimism, shame, enhanced concentration, or empathy. The recent turn to affect offers vibrant methodological and theoretical material for an educational present marked by high stakes rhetoric, heated debate, teacher and student vulnerabilities, and extreme educational measures. Affect studies are a part of new materialist and post-humanist turns, and this volume connects these new theoretical directions within education. This comprehensive volume on affect crosses educational subfields and responds to the transdisciplinary interest in thinking through pedagogy, education, and feeling.
This comprehensive reader addresses affect in education from a wide range of styles, topics, and perspectives. This collection offers an introduction to theory, empirical research studies, interviews with affect studies scholars, and an assessment of the current and future significance of affect studies in education. Contributors utilize a range of theoretical and interpretive approaches to thinking with and through schooling phenomena. Interviews with affect scholars in the humanities and social sciences address affective dimensions of teaching. The editors' introduction, different foci, and interdisciplinary genres of writing help readers feel their ways into what affect studies in education does and might do.
This field-defining collection will be of interest to a range of readers--from graduate students to established scholars--with varying levels of expertise and familiarity putting affect theories to work in education. All the contributions are accessible to those new to the theory, methods, and debates in this vibrant area of educational studies.
List of Images
1. Feeling Education - Bessie P. Dernikos, Nancy Lesko, Stephanie D. McCall & Alyssa D. Niccolini
Ordinary Charges
2. Teaching Affectively - Kathleen Stewart
PART I: Politics
3. Passion, Pedagogy, and Pietas: An Interview with Rosi Braidotti
4. The Ethics and Politics of Traumatic Shame: Pedagogical Insights - Michalinos Zembylas
5. Post-Threat Pedagogies: A Micro-Materialist Phantomatic Feeling within Classrooms in Post-Terrorist Times - Shiva Zarabadi
PART II: Pedagogies
6. Affect's First Lesson: An Interview with Gregory J. Seigworth
7. Resistance is Useful: Social Justice Teacher Education as an Affective Craft - Lee Airton
8. Love and Bewilderment: On Education as Affective Encounter - Nathan Snaza
9. Art Encounters, Racism and Teacher Education - Asilia Franklin-Phipps
PART III: Materials/Bodies
10. Thinking through the Body: An Interview with Anna Hickey-Moody
11. The Fecundity of Poo: Working with Children as Pedagogies of Refusal - Stephanie Springgay
12. Machinic Affects: Education Data Infrastructure and the Pedagogy of Objects - Sam Sellar
13. The Affective Matter of (Australian) School Uniforms: The School-Dress That Is and Does - Melissa Joy Wolfe & Mary Lou Rasmussen
PART IV: Spaces
14. Student Viscosities and the Micropolitics of Race: An Interview with Arun Saldanha
15. (Re)storying Water: Decolonial Pedagogies of Relational Affect with Young Children - Fikile Nxumalo with Marleen Tepeyolotl Villanueva
16. On Learning to Stay in the Room: Notes from the Classroom and Clinic - Gail Boldt
17. Intimacy and Depletion in the Pedagogical Scene: An Interview with Lauren Berlant
Notes on Contributors
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