著者名 書名 版表示 出版者名 出版年 シリーズ名 番号 ISBN ISSN URL Dkon-mchog-chos-grags, Rnam-gliṅ Paṇ-chen and Thon-mi Sambhoṭa, fl. 632 and Nam-mkhaʾ-bzan-po, Lo-tsa-ba and Dbyaṅs-can-grub-paʾi-rdo-rje, Dṅul-chu Luṅ du ston pa Sum cu pa daṅ Rtags kyi ʾjug paʾi rnam ʾgrel legs bśad snaṅ byed nor bu : a detailed presentation of Tibetan grammar according to the two treatises of Thon-mi Sambho-ṭa, the Sum cu pa and Rtags kyi ʾjug pa . Skad gñis sbyor tshul kun gsal me loṅ : a study of the principles of Sanskrit compared with Tibetan . Gzuṅs sṅags mkho che ba ʾgaʾ źig klog ʾdon gyi tshul bśad pa legs sbyar smra baʾi ñin byed : a treatise on the pronunciation of Indic mantras in Tibetan [Microfiche ed.] Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions 19-- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BC10829193