Professor Michael Meier-Brugger's distinguished and productive career in Greek and Indo-European historical linguistics finds fitting tribute in this volume. Over two dozen prominent scholars celebrate the honorand's oeuvre by offering original studies primarily in Greek and Anatolian, but hardly confined to those areas. Spanning such topics as the Homeric question, newly discovered Indic names in Hittite sources, Medieval and Modern Greek phonology, discourse markers, Old Irish words for 'star', and the Caland system, Maiores philologiae pontes contributes significantly and illuminatingly to many central questions of the field today.
Schriftenverzeichnis von Michael Meier-Brugger
Alain Blanc, Adjectifs composes en -u- et en -EUROu- en grec
Norbert BloeBner, The state of the Homeric question
Emilio Crespo, The origin of Tot as an appellative discourse marker
Matthias Fritz, Das alteste armenische Appellativum im Griechischen: Das Terpentin der Pistacia terebinthus (Silvae armeniacae VI )
Georgios K. Giannakis, A note on the Pella curse tablet
Jon Axel Haroarson, Griechisch ITEUROUO,
Michael Janda, UEberlegungen zu Mithras und Minos
Tomoki Kitazumi, Drei indo-arische Personennamen und der Gott Akni in CTH13
Jared S. Klein, Homeric Greek vvv: Configuration al syntax and usage
Antonio Lillo, The optative with modal particle in non-hypothetical periods as evidentiality marker
Thomas Lindner, Zur Deutungsgeschichte der Bahuvriliis
Rosemarie Luhr, Valenzanderungen in Bezeichnungen medialer Situationstypen
Melanie Malzahn, Latin trans transmogrified
Norbert Oettinger, Die Runeninschrift von Eggia und indogermanische Phraseologie
Birgit Anette Olsen, Coming of age in Indo-European
Oswald Panagl, "Expressive lengthening": Linguistic reality or weird nightmare?
Nikolaos Pantelidis, Aspects of the history of Ancient Greek /u/ /u:/ (T) and /oi/ (OI): Evidence from Medieval and Modern Greek
Georges-Jean Pinault, Indo-European 'naked' and the Caland system1
Elisabeth Rieken und Ilya Yakubovich, Ein lydisches Schmuckstiick
Salvatore Scarlata und Paul Widmer, Rigvedische Komposita in der rekursiven Satzverknupfung
Stefan Schaffner, Zur Etymologie von altirisch rit ,Stem' und ritglu ,dss.'
Diether Schurr, Auf Wassersuche in Anatolien
Thomas Steer, Zur Etymologie von griechisch ... (mit einem kurzen Exkurs zu altindoarisch vdjra- und avestisch vazra- )
Index verborum
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