Global Phenomenologies of Religion offers a new way of looking at the past, current and future trajectory of the study of religion. The phenomenology of religion was once widely acknowledged to be the core of the study of religion as an autonomous discipline. First used as a term by the Dutch scholar Chantepie de la Saussaye in 1887, it was developed by Gerardus van der Leeuw in the 1930s and 40s, became popular in the 1960s and 70s and then met severe criticism, virtually disappearing by the beginning of the twenty-first century.
This book adds to our global understanding of the history of the study of religion. Interviews with scholars from ten different countries offer a lived history, covering more than half a century. The resulting picture is diverse and nuanced, revealing important national and regional differences, and challenging long-held views about the rise and decline of this venerable approach to the study of religion.
- Introduction
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell and Steven Engler
1. Semantic Confusions and the Mysteries of Life -Sweden
Interviewee: Ulf Drobin, Stockholm University
Interviewer: David Thurfjell
2. Universal Parallels, Meaningful Lives and Predisposed Minds - Finland
Interviewees & Interviewers: Veikko Anttonen, University of Turku (retired), and Teuvo Laitila, University of Eastern Finland
3. Phenomenology of Religion Meets Theory of Science: A Lethal Encounter -Germany
Interviewees: Peter Antes, Leibniz University of Hannover (retired), and Hubert Seiwert University of Leipzig
Interviewer: Katja Triplett, University of Leipzig
4. NEC CUM TE NEC SINE TE: The Phenomenologies of Religion- Italy
Interviewee: Giovanni Casadio, University of Salerno
Interviewer: Alessandro Testa, Charles University, Prague
5. "What's Wrong with Philosophy?"- Japan
Interviewees: Toshimaro Hanazono, University of Tohoku (retired), and Yoshiko Oda
Interviewer: Satoko Fujiwara
6. The Grammar to Read 'Religion in Culture': From 'Phenomenology of Religion' to 'Studies of the Religious Phenomenon - South Korea
Interviewee: Chin-Hong Chung, Seoul National University
Interviewer: Sukman Jang, Seoul National University
7. Philosophical, Existential and Therapeutic Phenomenologies of Religion - Canada
Interviewee: Earle H. Waugh, University of Alberta
Interviewer: Steven Engler
8. "Why ... So Complicated?"
- "a Term with No Subscribers"-The United States
Interviewees: Charles Long, University of California, Sana Barbara (retired), and Ivan Strenski, University of California, Riverside (retired)
Interviewer: Eric Ziolkowski, Lafayette College
9. A Proposal for an Epistemologically Humble Phenomenology - The United Kingdom
Interviewee: Denise Cush, Bath Spa University
Interviewer: Suzanne Owen, Leeds Trinity University
10. "There Was No Dutch School of Phenomenology of Religion": Academic Implacability and Historical Accidents - The Netherlands
Interviewee: Jan G. Platvoet, Leiden University (retired)
Interviewer: Markus Altena Davidsen, Leiden University
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell and Steven Engler
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