Settlements at the Edge examines the evolution, characteristics, functions and shifting economic basis of settlements in sparsely populated areas of developed nations. With a focus on demographic change, the book features theoretical and applied cases, which explore the interface between demography, economy, wellbeing and the environment. This book offers a comprehensive and insightful knowledge base for understanding the role of population in shaping the development and histories of northern sparsely populated areas of developed nations including Alaska (USA), Australia, Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Finland and other nations with territories within the Arctic Circle.
In the past, many remote settlements were important bases for opening up vast areas for resource extraction, working as strategic centers and as national representations of the conquering of frontiers. With increased contemporary interest from governments, policy makers, multinational companies and other stakeholders, this book explores the importance of understanding relationships between settlement populations and the economy at the local level. It features international and expert contributors who present insightful case studies on the role of human geography, primarily population issues, in shaping the past, present and future of settlements in remote areas. They also provide analysis on opportunities and challenges for northern settlements and the effects of climate change, resource futures, and tourism. A chapter on the issues of populating future space settlements highlights that many issues for settlement change and functions in isolated and remote spatial realms are universal.
This book will appeal to those interested in the past, present and future importance of settlements 'at the edge' of developed nations as well as those working in policy and program contexts. College students enrolled in courses such as demography, population studies, human studies, regional development, social policy and/or economics will find value in this book as well.
Contributors include: P. Berggren, D. Bird, O.J. Borch, A. Boyle, H. Brokensha, F. Brouard, D. Carson, D. Carson, T. Carter, B. Charters, J. Cleary, J. Cokley, S. de la Barre, W. Edwards, S. Eikeland, M. Eimermann, P.C. Ensign, J. Garrett, G. Gisladottir, K. Golebiowska, J. Guenther, P. Hanrick, L. Harbo, S. Harwood, P. Heinrich, L. Huskey, G. Johannesdottir, I. Kelman, A. Koch, N. Krasnoshtanova, V. Kuklina, J. Lovell, R. Marjavaara, M. McAuliffe, R. McLeman, J.J. McMurtry, T. Nilsen, L.M. Nilsson, P. Peters, A. Petrov, G. Petursdottir, B. Prideaux, W. Rankin, J. Roto, J. Salmon, G. Saxinger, A. Schoo, P. Skoeld, A. Taylor, M. Thompson, P. Timony, A. Vuin, M. Warg Naess, E. Wenghofer, E. Wensing, D.R. White, D Zoellner
Foreword by Tomas Moertsell
1 Introduction: settlements at the edge
Andrew Taylor
2 The dynamic history of government settlements at the edge
Lee Huskey and Andrew Taylor
3 Boom back or blow back? Growth strategies in mono-industrial resource towns - 'east' and 'west'
Gertrude Saxinger, Andrey Petrov, Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Vera Kuklina and Doris A. Carson
4 International migration and the changing nature of settlements at the edge
Kate Golebiowska, Tom Carter, Alicia Boyle and Andrew Taylor
5 Gender matters: the importance of gender to settlements at the edge of the Nordic Arctic
Lisbeth Harbo and Johanna Roto
6 Place-based planning in remote regions: Cape York Peninsula, Australia and Nunavut, Canada
Sharon Harwood, Ed Wensing and Prescott C. Ensign
7 Sources of data for settlement level analyses in sparsely populated areas
Paul Peters, Andrew Taylor, Dean B. Carson and Huw Brokensha
8 New mobilities - new economies? Temporary populations and local innovation capacity in sparsely populated areas
Doris A. Carson, Jen Cleary, Suzanne de la Barre, Marco Eimermann and Roger Marjavaara
9 Land rights and their influence on settlement patterns
Jan Salmon and Wayne Edwards
10 Re-evolution of growth pole settlements in northern peripheries? Reflecting the emergence of an LNG hub in Northern Australia with experiences from Northern Norway
Sveinung Eikeland, Trond Nilsen and Andrew Taylor
11 Contemporary Aboriginal settlements: understanding mixed-market approaches
Judith Lovell, Don Zoellner, John Guenther, Francois Brouard and J.J. McMurtry
12 Modelling settlement futures: techniques and challenges
Paul Peters, Andrew Taylor, Dean B. Carson and Andreas Koch
13 Climate change and settlement level impacts
Deanne Bird, Robert McLeman, Gudrun Gisladottir, Ilan Kelman, Marius Warg Naess and Gurun Johannesdottir
14 Recruitment and retention of professional labour: the health workforce at settlement level
Dean B. Carson, Elizabeth Wenghofer, Patrick Timony, Adrian Schoo, Peter Berggren and Brian Charters
15 Renewing and re-invigorating settlements: a role for tourism?
Bruce Prideaux, Michelle Thompson and Sharon Harwood
16 The local demography of resource economies: long-term implications of natural resource industries for demographic development in sparsely populated areas
Dean B. Carson, Peter Skoeld, Doris A. Carson and Lena Maria Nilsson
17 Entrepreneurship and innovation at the edge: creating inducements for people and place
Prescott C. Ensign and Odd Jarl Borch
18 The ultimate edge: the case for planning media for sustaining space communities
John Cokley, William Rankin, Marisha McAuliffe, Pauline Heinrich and Phillipa Hanrick
19 Conclusion
Dean B. Carson
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