Fürchtet euch nicht : bassoons & bombards music from the German baroque
Ricercar , [輸入販売: ナクソス・ジャパン], c2020
ドゥルツィアンとボンバルド : 17世紀ドイツのダブルリード合奏さまざま
Sung in German (1st and 15th works) and Latin (7th-8th)
For instrumental ensemble (2nd-6th and 9th-14th works) with voices (1st, 7th-8th, and 15th)
Julie Roset, soprano (7th-8th works) ; Paulin Bündgen, countertenor (7th-8th) ; Vox Luminis (1st and 15th) ; Syntagma Amici
Recorded: Gedinne, église Notre-Dame, September 2018 (1st and 15th works); Centeilles, église Notre-Dame, October 2019 & June 2020 (2nd-14th)
Compact disc
Text in Japanese translation (1st, 7th-8th, and 15th works)
Ricercar: RIC 420
ナクソス・ジャパン: NYCX-10178