This sixth, revised edition of International Institutional Law covers the most recent developments in the field. Although public international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the African Union, ASEAN, the European Union, Mercosur, NATO and OPEC have broadly divergent objectives, powers, fields of activity and numbers of member states, they also share a wide variety of institutional characteristics. Rather than being a handbook for specific organizations, the book offers a comparative analysis of the institutional law of international organizations. It includes chapters on the rules and practices concerning membership, institutional structure, decision-making, financing, legal order, supervision and sanctions, legal status and external relations. The book's theoretical framework and extensive use of case-studies is designed to appeal to both academics and practitioners.
Abbreviations, Terminology, Internet References
1 Introduction
I International Institutional Law
II Definition
III Classification
IV Conclusion
2 Participants
I Full Members
II Associate Members
III Partial Members
IV Affiliate Members
V Observers
VI Concluding Observations
3 Rules for International Organs
I Powers
II Composition of Organs
III Functioning
IV Concluding Observations
4 Policy-Making and Administrative Organs
I Classifying International Organs
II Policy-Making Organs
III Secretariat
IV The European Commission
V Concluding Observations
5 Advisory and Supervisory Organs
I Parliamentary Organs
II Judicial Organs
II Concluding Observations
6 Decision-Making Process
I The Concept of a Decision
II Legal Basis
III Initiative
IV Drafting of the Text
V Decision-making by Consensus
VI Voting
VII Entry into Force of Decisions
VIII Termination of Decisions
IX Concluding Observations
7 Financing
I Expenditure
II Income
III Budget
IV Concluding Observations
8 Legal Order
I Introduction
II Constitution
III Decisions of the Organization
IV Other Elements of the Legal Order
V Concluding Observations
9 Interpretation and Settlement of Disputes
I Means of Interpretation
II Authorities Charged with Interpretation
III Competence to Request Interpretation
IV Concluding Observations
10 Supervision and Sanctions
I Definitions
II Supervision of the Implementation of Rules
III Official Recognition of Violations
IV Waiver of Obligations
V Sanctions
VI Concluding Observations
11 Legal Status
I Status in International Law
II Status in National Law
III Duration
IV Concluding Observations
12 External Relations
I Partners for External Relations
II Instruments of External Relations
III Concluding Observations
Concluding Remarks
I Introduction
II The Relationship between an International Organization and Its Members
III Diversity of the Rules of International Institutional Law
IV Unity of the Rules of International Institutional Law
V Towards More Centralized International Law?
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