This new edition of The Standard Model and Beyond presents an advanced introduction to the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It provides a solid background for understanding supersymmetry, string theory, extra dimensions, dynamical symmetry breaking, and cosmology. In addition to updating all of the experimental and phenomenological results from the first edition, it contains a new chapter on collider physics; expanded discussions of Higgs, neutrino, and dark matter physics; and many new problems.
The book first reviews calculational techniques in field theory and the status of quantum electrodynamics. It then focuses on global and local symmetries and the construction of non-abelian gauge theories. The structure and tests of quantum chromodynamics, collider physics, the electroweak interactions and theory, and the physics of neutrino mass and mixing are thoroughly explored. The final chapter discusses the motivations for extending the standard model and examines supersymmetry, extended gauge groups, and grand unification.
Thoroughly covering gauge field theories, symmetries, and topics beyond the standard model, this text equips readers with the tools to understand the structure and phenomenological consequences of the standard model, to construct extensions, and to perform calculations at tree level. It establishes the necessary background for readers to carry out more advanced research in particle physics.
Supplementary materials are provided on the author's website and a solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors.
Notation and Conventions
Review of Perturbative Field Theory
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Symmetries
Gauge Theories
The Strong Interactions and QCD
Collider Physics
The Weak Interactions
The Standard Electroweak Theory
Neutrino Mass and Mixing
Beyond the Standard Model
Appendix A: Canonical Commutation Rules
Appendix B: Derivation of a Simple Feynman Diagram
Appendix C: Unitarity, the Partial Wave Expansion, and the Optical Theorem
Appendix D: Two, Three, and nBody Phase Space
Appendix E: Calculation of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron
Appendix F: BreitWigner Resonances
Appendix G: Implications of P, C, T, and Gparity for Nucleon Matrix Elements
Appendix H: Quantum Mechanical Analogs of Symmetry Breaking
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