Subh al-A'sha
by al-Qalqashandi is a manual for chancery clerks completed in 1412 and a vital source of information on Fatimid and Mamluk Egypt which, for the first time, has been translated into English.The text provides valuable insight into the Mamluk and earlier Muslim eras. The selections presented in this volume describe Cairo, Fustat and the Cairo Citadel and give a detailed picture of the Fatimid (AD 969-1172), Ayyubid (AD 1172-1250) and Mamluk (AD 1250-1412) court customs, rituals and protocols, and depict how the Mamluk Sultanate was ruled. It also contains a wealth of details covering the geography, history and state administration systems of medieval Egypt. An introduction preceding the translation contextualizes al-Qalqashandi's role and manu script, as well as introducing the man himself, while detailed notes accompany the translation to explain and elaborate on the content of the material. The volume concludes with an extensive glossary of terms which forms a mini-encyclopaedia of the Fatimid and Mamluk periods.
This translation will be a valuable resource for any student of medieval Islamic history.
Table of Contents
List of Maps
Part I - The Seats of Government
A - The First Seat of Government - Fustat
The Neighbourhoods of Fustat
The Houses of Fustat
The House of the Amir (Dar al-Imara)
The Expansion an Decline of Fustat
Al-Rawda Island
The Establishment of al-Mahrani (Munsha'at al-Mahrani)
Al-Habash Pond (Birkat al-Habash)
The Mosques of Fustat
The Madrasas of Fustat
The Khanqas and Ribats of Fustat
The Hospital
B- The Second Seat of Government - Cairo
The Fatimid Palaces
The Gates and Walls of Cairo
The Neighbourhoods of Cairo
The Mosques of Cairo
The Madrasas of Cairo
The Khanqas and Ribats of Cairo
The Five-prayer Mosques
The Hospital
Construction and Description of Cairo
C- The Third Seat of Government - The Citadel
D- Al-Qarafa (The Cemetery)
Part II - The Regulation of the Kingdom
A- The First Status - Rulers Appointed by the Caliphate
B- The Second Status -The Fatimids
The First Clause - Royal Instruments
The Second Clause - The Caliph's Warehouses
The Third Clause - The Armies
The Fourth Clause - The Holders of Offices
Holders of Offices in the Caliph's presence.
Holders of the Offices outside of the Caliph's presence.
The Fifth Clause - The Appearance of the Caliph
Sitting in Audience during Processions
Riding Processions
The Caliph's Appearance
The Sixth Clause - The Fleets, Ruling Subjects, and Persuading Opposers
The Seventh Clause - The Running Salaries, Grants and Banquettes
The Eighth End - The Vizier's Audiences
C- The Third Status - The Ayyubids and Mamluks
The First Purpose - The Protocols and Instruments of Royalty
The Second Purpose - The Sultan's Warehouses
The Third Purpose - The Kingdom's Dignitaries and Holders of Posts
Men of the Sword
Men of the Pen
The Fourth Purpose - The Attire of the Kingdom's Dignitaries
The Fifth Purpose - The Sultan's Appearance in Royal Protocol
The Sixth Purpose - The Running Salaries
The Seventh Purpose - The Special Territories
The Eighth Purpose - How News Reaches the Sultan
The Ninth Purpose - The Appearance and Regulation of Emirate
The Tenth Purpose - The Governors
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