Caricatures and cartoons : a history of the world 1931-40
edited and introduced by Yorimitsu Hashimoto
(British satirical periodicals of the nineteenth century, ser. 5)
Edition Synapse, 2020
Caricatures and cartoons : a history of the world 1931-1940
v. 3. 1937-1940726.1:H38:3202020120231
v. 3. 1937-1940AA202101408
関西大学 図書館 図 v. 3. 1937-1940212234137
v. 3. 1937-1940100155223
v. 3. 1937-1940741.5||Ha||(v.3)00153443
v. 3. 1937-1940F726.1||B||4-310038384
v. 3. 1937-1940NC||1350||Ha 300587494
v. 3. 1937-1940002977394
v. 3. 1937-1940726.1||4-3||306400852928
v. 3. 1937-1940942.08/C2700029687027
v. 3. 1937-1940726.1-H38-310021015866
明治大学 図書館 本 v. 3. 1937-1940726||30||||D2202100799
名城大学 附属図書館 ナゴヤドーム前キャンパス図書館 ドーム v. 3. 1937-1940726.1||H348||4-36206197 Reprint of caricatures and cartoons from "World review", Jan. 1937 (v. 2, no. 5)-Sept. 1940 (v. 9) ISBN of 3 vols. and suppl. set: 9784861661976
Edition Synapse
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