This book offers a detailed guide on the journey towards the minimal supersymmetric standard model down the orbifold road. It takes the viewpoint that the chirality of matter fermions is an essential aspect that orbifold compactification allows to derive from higher-dimensional string theories in a straightforward manner. Halfway between textbook and tutorial review, the book is intended for the graduate student and particle phenomenologist wishing to get acquainted with this field.
1 Introduction and Summary
2 Standard Model and Beyond
3 Orbifolds and Spinors
4 Field Theoretic Orbifolds
5 Quantization of Strings
6 Strings on Orbifolds
7 Structure of String Orbifold
8 Interactions on Orbifolds
9 String Orbifold Spectra9A A gross view of Orbifold Phenomenology9B Anomaly Cancellation
10 Standard-like Models from Orbifolds10A Z3 Constructions10B Product of prime orbifolds10C Z12-I Constructions10D Z6-II Constructions
11 GUTs from Orbifolds11A GUTs from orbifolds11B Flavors
12 Smooth Compactication12A Calabi-Yau Compactication12B Blowing up 12C M-theory and F-theory Ideas
13 Epilogue
Appendix A Fermionic ConstructionsAppendix B Intersecting Brane ModelsAppendix C Ellyptic FunctionsAppendix D Useful Tables for Model BuildingAppendix E Some Algebraic Elements of Lie Groups
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