A study on cross-border trade facilitation and regional development along economic corridors in Cambodia
(Joint research report, FY 2011)
Cambodian Research Centre for Development (CRCD), [2011]
Title from cover
"This report shows results of joint research submitted by Cambodian Research Centre for Development (CRCD) to Japan External Trade Organization, Bangkok (JETRO Bangkok). The results of the joint research are reflected in: Sau, Sisovanna (2012) "A Study on Cross-Border Trade Facilitation and Regional Development along Economic Corridors in Cambodia," Ishida, Masami ed. Emerging Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region, BRC Research Report No. 8, Bangkok: Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO. The joint research is worked by Name Mr. Pich Ponlok Nuon, Visiting Research Fellow, Name Ms. Kanhaka Thou, Visiting Research Fellow"—p. i
Thammasat University