Neural Circuit and Cognitive Development, Second Edition, the latest release in the Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience series, provides a much-needed update to underscore the latest research in this rapidly evolving field, with new section editors discussing the technological advances that are enabling the pursuit of new research on brain development. This volume is devoted mainly to anatomical and functional development of neural circuits and neural systems and cognitive development. Understanding the critical role these changes play in neurodevelopment provides the ability to explore and elucidate the underlying causes of neurodevelopmental disorders and their effect on cognition.
This series is designed to fill the knowledge gap, offering the most thorough coverage of this field on the market today and addressing all aspects of how the nervous system and its components develop.
1. Olfactory circuits
Matt Wachowiak, Shawn D. Burton, Gabriel Lepousez and Pierre-Marie Lledo
2. Auditory circuits
Lisa Goodrich and Patrick O. Kanold
3. Retino-tectal circuits
Barry E. Stein
4. Cerebellar circuits
Masanobu Kano and Masahiko Watanabe
5. Cortical columns
Zoltan Molnar
6. Spike-timing dependent plasticity
Daniel E. Feldman
7. Somatosensory cortex connections
Bryan Hooks
8. Motor cortex connections
Jeffrey D. Macklis
9. Hippocampal circuitry and development
Kathleen S. Rockland
10. Basal Ganglia Circuits
Charles Gerfen
11. Development of the circuit of the cerebellar cortex
Constantino Sotelo, Fabrice Ango and Richard Hawkes
12. Introduction to cognitive development from a neuroscience perspective
Helen Tager-Flusberg
13. Theories in developmental cognitive neuroscience
Mark Johnson
14. Structural brain development: Birth through adolescence
Stefanie C. Bodison and Elizabeth Sowell
15. Statistical learning mechanisms in infancy
Jill Lany
16. Development of the visual system
Scott Johnson
17. The development of visuospatial processing
Joan Stiles
18. Memory development
Patricia Bauer and Jessica A. Dugan
19. Early development of speech and language: Cognitive, behavioral, and neural systems
Helen Tager-Flusberg and Kayla Finch
20. The neural architecture and developmental course of face processing
Laurie Bayet and Charles Nelson III
21. Developmental cognitive neuroscience of theory of mind
Rebecca Saxe and Hilary Richardson
22. A developmental neuroscience perspective on empathy
Jean Decety
23. Developing attention and self regulation in infancy and childhood
M Rosario Rueda
24. The neural correlates of cognitive control and the development of social behavior
George A. Buzzell, Ayelet Lahat and Nathan A. Fox
25. Executive function: Development, individual differences and clinical insights
Claire Hughes
26. The Effects of Early Life Stress on Brain and Behavioral Development
Megan Rosamond Gunnar, Elysia Davis, Amanda Norona and Jenalee Doom
27. Sex differences in brain and behavioral development
Adriene M. Beltz and Sheri A. Berenbaum
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