This book is a detailed examination of social connections to language evaluation with a specific focus on the values associated with both prescriptivism and descriptivism. The chapters, written by authors from many different linguistic and national backgrounds, use a variety of approaches and methods to discuss values in linguistic prescriptivism. In particular, the chapters break down the traditional binary approaches that characterize prescriptive discourse to create a view of the complex phenomena associated with prescriptivism and the values of those who practice it. Most importantly, this volume continues serious academic conversations about prescriptivism and lays the foundation for continued exploration.
Jacob D. Rawlins and Don Chapman: Introduction
Part 1: Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism: An Untenable Binary
Chapter 1. John E. Joseph: Is/Ought: Hume's Guillotine, Linguistics, and Standards of Language
Chapter 2. Marla Perkins: Inferring Prescriptivism: Considerations Inspired by Hobongan and Minority Language Documentation
Chapter 3. Don Chapman: Are You a Descriptivist or a Prescriptivist? The Meaning of the Term Descriptivism and the Values of those Who Use it
Part 2: Prescriptivism vs. Linguistics: An Unnecessary Binary
Chapter 4. Lieselotte Anderwald: The Linguistic Value of Investigating Historical Prescriptivism
Chapter 5. Viktorija Kostadinova: Examining the Split Infinitive: Prescriptivism as a Constraint in Language Variation and Change
Chapter 6. Marten van der Meulen: Language Should be Pure and Grammatical: Values in Prescriptivism in the Netherlands 1917-2016
Chapter 7. Loreta Vaicekauskiene: Maintaining Power through Language Correction: A Case of L1 Education in Post-Soviet Lithuania
Part 3: Responding to Correctness: Personal Values and Identity
Chapter 8. Carmen Ebner: "Good Guys" vs "Bad Guys": Constructing Linguistic Identities on the Basis of Usage Problems
Chapter 9. Alyssa A. Severin and Kate Burridge: What do "Little Aussie Sticklers" Value Most?
Chapter 10. Nola Stephens-Hecker: Grammar Next to Godliness: Prescriptivism and the Tower of Babel
Chapter 11. Kate Burridge: Linguistic Cleanliness is Next to Godliness-But Not for Conservative Anabaptists
Part 4: Judging Correctness: Practitioner Values and Variation
Chapter 12. Giuliana Russo: Fowler's values: Ideology and a Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926)
Chapter 13. Linda Pilliere: US Copy-Editors, Style Guides, and Usage Guides and their Impact on British Novels
Chapter 14. Jonathon Owen: Practicing Prescriptivism: How Copyeditors Treat Prescriptive Rules
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