This updated edition offers practical guidance for understanding and implementing APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) and Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards (MARS) for quantitative research.
These standards provide the essential information researchers need to report, including detailed accounts of the methods they followed, data results and analysis, interpretations of their findings, and implications for future research.
This revised edition reflects updates to the original JARS and the MARS that meet developing needs in the behavioral, social, educational, and medical sciences. Harris Cooper analyzes examples from APA journals, offering readers advice for implementing these revised standards in their own writing while also conforming with the APA Style guidelines in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Updated chapters offer more detailed guidelines for reporting statistical analyses and unique elements of different types of research, including replication studies, clinical trials, and observational studies. This book is essential reading for experienced and early career researchers alike, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in research methods classes.
Chapter 1. Reporting Standards for Research in Psychology: Why Do We Need Them? What Might They Be?
Chapter 2. Setting the Stage: Title Page, Abstract, and Introduction
Chapter 3. Detailing What You Did: The Method Section
Chapter 4. Describing Your Research Design: Studies With and Without Experimental Manipulations
Chapter 5. Summarizing Your Data and Statistical Analyses: The Results Section
Chapter 6. Reporting Other Design Features: Longitudinal Studies, Replication Studies, Studies With One Subject, and Clinical Trials
Chapter 7. Interpreting Your Results: The Discussion Section
Chapter 8. Reporting Research Syntheses and Meta-Analyses
Chapter 9. How the Journal Article Reporting Standards and the Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards Came to Be and Can Be Used in the Future
Appendix. Abstracts of the 16 Articles Used as Examples in Text
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