A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg introduces readers to major political, social and economic developments in Augsburg from c. 1400 to c. 1800 as well as to those themes of social and cultural history that have made research on this imperial city especially fruitful and stimulating. The volume comprises contributions by an international team of 23 scholars, providing a range of the most significant scholarly approaches to Augsburg's past from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and methodologies. Building on the impressive number of recent innovative studies on this large and prosperous early modern city, the contributions distill the extraordinary range and creativity of recent scholarship on Augsburg into a handbook format.
Contributors are Victoria Bartels, Katy Bond, Christopher W. Close, Allyson Creasman, Regina Dauser, Dietrich Erben, Alexander J. Fisher, Andreas Flurschutz da Cruz, Helmut Graser, Mark Haberlein, Michele Zelinsky Hanson, Peter Kreutz, Hans-Joerg Kunast, Margaret Lewis, Andrew Morrall, Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer, Barbara Rajkay, Reinhold Reith, Gregor Rohmann, Claudia Stein, B. Ann Tlusty, Sabine Ullmann, Wolfgang E.J. Weber.
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
part 1: The City
1 Sources and Historiography
Helmut Graser, Mark Haberlein and B. Ann Tlusty
2 Urban Topography, Population, Visual Representations
Barbara Rajkay
3 Of Invisible Boundaries: Bodies, Plagues, and Healers
Claudia Stein
4 Textual Representation: Chronicles
Gregor Rohmann
part 2: Economy, Politics, and the Law
5 Production, Trade, and Finance
Mark Haberlein
6 Politics under the Guild Regime, 1368-1548
Christopher W. Close
7 Politics under the Patrician Regime, 1548-1806
Mark Haberlein and Barbara Rajkay
8 Crime and Punishment
Allyson F. Creasman
9 Civil Law
Peter Kreutz
PART 3: Religion and Society
10 The Urban Reformation
Michele Zelinsky Hanson
11 Catholic-Protestant Coexistence
Marjorie E. Plummer and B. Ann Tlusty
12 Urban Society: Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility
Mark Haberlein and Reinhold Reith
13 Women, Family, and Sexuality
Margaret Lewis
14 Sociability and Leisure
B. Ann Tlusty
15 The Experience of War
Andreas Flurschutz da Cruz
16 Jews as Ethnic and Religious Minorities
Sabine Ullmann
PART 4: Communication, Cultural and Intellectual Life
17 The Dissemination of News
Regina Dauser
18 Book Production and Trade
Hans-Joerg Kunast
Translated by Christine R. Johnson
19 Dress and Material Culture
Victoria Bartels and Katherine Bond
20 Learned Culture
Wolfgang E.J. Weber
21 The Arts
Andrew Morrall
22 Architecture
Dietrich Erben
23 Music
Alexander J. Fisher
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