In Marx on Capitalism, James Furner offers a new answer to the fundamental question of Marx and Marxism: can a thesis connecting capital, the state and classes with the desirability of socialism be developed from an analysis of the commodity? The Interaction-Recognition-Antinomy Thesis is anchored in a systematic retranslation of Marx's writings. It provides an antinomy-based strategy for grounding the value of social humanity in working-class agency, facilitates a dialectical derivation of political representation, and condemns capitalism as unjust without appeal to rights.
Acknowledgements References and Abbreviations
1 The Interaction-Recognition-Antinomy Thesis
1 The Interaction Component
2 The Recognition Component
3 The First Antinomy
4 The Second Antinomy
5 An Outline of the Argument Appendix: A Note on Translation
2 Analytical Marxism
1 The Project of Analytical Marxism
2 Dialectical Contradiction
3 Intrastructuration
4 Conclusion
3 Commodity Form Philosophy
1 Use-Value
2 Value
3 Commodities and Goods
4 Use-Values, Goods and Duties to the Whole
5 The Commodity, Dialectical Contradiction and Real Abstraction
6 Antinomies of the Commodity Form
4 Action
1 Capital's Description of Human Labour
2 In-Order-To Motives and Because Motives
3 Orientation to an In-Order-To Motive
4 The Form of an In-Order-To Motive
5 Action and Abstraction
5 Social Relations
1 Marx's General Remarks on Social Relations
2 Schutz's Typology of Social Action
3 Interaction as a Relation of Mutual Affecting
4 The Problem of Normativity
5 An Interactional Conception of a Social Relation of Production
6 Some Objections
7 The Objection from Structure
8 The Objection from Consciousness
9 The Problem of Legality
6 System and Bearer
1 A Generalised Interactions Conception of Social Structure
2 Sociological Thought and the Concept of Social Role
3 The Features of a System
4 The Capitalist Structure as a System
5 The Capitalist Structure as a System (Continued)
6 Actors as Bearers
7 Purchase and Sale
1 Exchange
2 Independent Exchange of Products
3 Possession:Savigny and Marx
4 Commodities and Money
8 Exploitation
1 The Quantitative Marxist View of Exploitation
2 A Non-Normative Concept of Exploitation
3 Bazard, Marx and the Five Conditions for Exploitation
4 The Benefit Condition
5 The Harm Condition
6 The Causal Condition
7 The Consequence Condition
8 The Means-to-Ends Condition
9 The System Universalisability Conception of Exploitation
10 Capitalist Labour-Exploitation
11 The Exploitation and Need Problem
12 The Agency Problem
13 The Capitalism, Rights and Injustice Problem
14 Summary
9 Recognition and Self-Ownership
1 A Pragmatic Conception of Recognition
2 Possession, Private Property Ownership and Recognition
3 As-If Mutual Recognition in Purchase and Sale
4 Marx's Concept of a Person
5 Security and Self-Ownership
10 Recognition and Bureaucratic Domination
1 Marx's General Conception of Domination
2 Domination and the Will
3 Domination and Alien Will
4 Domination and Recognition
5 Marx's Conception of Domination Restated
6 Formal and Real Subsumption
7 Domination and Formal Subsumption
8 Domination and Real Subsumption
9 The Recognition Condition and Occupational Identity
10 Summary
11 Antinomy and State Form
1 A Derivation of the Juridical Logic of Freedom of Choice
2 Individual Human Rights
3 The System of Capitalist Production and Popular Sovereignty
4 The Antinomy of Natural Rights and Popular Authorisation
5 Parliamentary Representation
6 The Separation of Powers
12 The Rights-Antinomy and Class Struggle
1 An Antagonistic Interdependency Conception of Classes
2 Class Antagonism at the Macro-Level
3 The Self-Consciousness of the Commodity
4 Capital's Antinomy Passage: A Reconstruction
5 The Rights-Antinomy and the Capitalist Class Interest Claim
6 Interest Privilege and Possible Practical Awareness
7 The Rights-Antinomy, Recognition and Union Organisation
8 Working-Class Movements
9 A Resolution of Both Antinomies
1 Exploitation and Injustice
2 The Disappearance of Analytical Marxism
3 The State of Capitalist Society
4 Revolutionary Awareness
Bibliography Index
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